Hello Good people !! Again I am here to give you one more interesting project. I think You all love it.
Here's the Review
Introducing BIDIUM
BIDIUM is a new Revolutionary Auction And Freelance Hiring With Crypto Exchange Powered By Blockchain which is employing a bidium freelancer into a blockchain based auction system. The Bidium platform means as a market for searchers, offering freelance to entrepreneurs, who are looking to hire freelancers. It also a decentralized electronic money exchange that combines the power of face auctions with free leases on Blockchain technology.
This platform gives customers and vendors the opportunity to save time because there is a 24-hour limit for applying for a product. This will ensure that the seller receives only an authorized buyer, which prevents the malicious customer from blocking their product.
BIDIUM Background
The concept behind the exchange platform is evolved based on a vast research over various prominent portals. online buying and selling activity in a marketplace is a profitable business with great potentials. For this reason BIDIUM is created.
There's another reason for creation of BIDIUM is Freelancers. when employers post a job on a freelancing websites. Freelancers, who are keeping an eye on the job posts, contact them by explaining the reasons why they should be considered for a particular project. The employer simply chooses from a certain number of proposals and discusses the next steps. There is usually a mutual agreement between the two parties on how and when the projects will be carried out. The payment is made after the project is carried out to a required standard.
Bidium aimed to acts as a bidding marketplace for buyers and sellers to be able to sale or purchase by bidding and a freelance platform to employers, who are looking to hire freelancers. Bidium platform will give both freelancers and employers the opportunity to use their native coin which is BIDM by paying as low as 0.1% charges
Benefits of using BIDIUM Platform
Bidium Platform Has Some Golden Features that make you more profitable
Bidium is a completely decentralized exchange which is using existing blockchain applications.
Each individual Auction and Freelance platform user will have their own copy of the data.
Transactions will be made by the customer when they like in the market
Compared to very large payment services and large transaction costs, Bidium tokens are cost and time details effective.
It transfers money with the help set smartly. There are several procedures that will help you remember the recipient's address. This makes money transfer the workout smooth.
Bidium uses a mobile wallet for payment and payment delivery. This indicates that you will be able to transfer funds to a bank or have a bank account.
Bidium uses a wallet that allows payment and payment. This indicates that you will be able to transfer funds to a bank or have a bank account.
Advantages of BIDIUM
Bidium uses Token BIDM to ensure peer-to-peer transactions are secure and insurance is not required Third parties such as Bank or government. Our technology provides an easy interface with light and fast trading.
Token BIDM can be used to benefit from the platform from Bidium. You can choose to store your coin values on a Mac for PC or create a wallet with a digital wallet that supports Bidium tokens. It gives you the freedom to choose and transfer your coins to the market platform as payment of goods and services.
Bidium ICO project provides a distinct approach to exquisite fund allocation mechanisms and token distribution. This is to fulfill investor's interest all over the globe who wishes to have a taste of the cryptocurrency cake.
45% of the funds will be allocated for the development while
30% of the funds will be allocated for marketing. To execute all legal procedures will
have 5% of the funds and 15% will be allocated for reserves. The Management
includes advisors and founders, will have 5% of the total funds.
Token Specifications
Token Distribution
Media Partners & News
Expert evaluation is more than great
Assesment's result surely being the indicator whether the certain project is good or not. here they are the reliable expertise of ICO had given a satisfy assessments based on the progress and the vision.
Teams & Advisors
I just tried to put all the information in here. If there is any lack of explaining in this article, do not worry, I have attached some of their their link , so you can got the right information with your requires.
For more information about Project, Please visit the website and some Social Links from below:
Website https://bidium.io/ Bitcointalk https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3302414.0 Bounty program https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4164045.0 Telegram https://t.me/Bidium Twitter https://twitter.com/bidiumofficial Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bidium/ White Paper https://bidium.io/assets/documents/Whitepaper-Bidium-3.0.pdfETH wallet: 0x9831DBD9172D96B4763ef3D435190A08970F356E
Author's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joy-hasan-37001915b Author's Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1903292