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RE: Review of ICO STORIQA. A platform for shops, with payment in cryptocurrency.

in #ico7 years ago

Do not miss this great ICO! Fast Invest is already operating FinTech with great team. They are expanding their platform to the crypto world. Do not miss FAST INVEST ICO!


When you repeat the same comment on multiple post you sound like a bot! If it walks like a bot, squawks like a bot, it may be flagged for being a bot!

Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!

FinTech ICO looks good with a rating of 7/10 I laik it (Storiqo same on But for me "investment", sound a bit blurry. I jumped into the STQ because spend cryptocurency online on things, a very logical and catching concept in my opinion ...

Yeah I get what you say, still follow it up because there are not a lot of ICO with already opearting FinTech's that is what I love about them, they will do everything to fulfill thei whitepaper