If you want to be taken seriously I suggest you avoid phrases like "Strap in your seat belts because this one is taking you to the moon."
At at technical level what they propose is simply "off the charts", and in my view, totally unrealistic. The term "Decentralised Web" is misleading. The web IS decentralised. That is why torrenting of copyright material continues. Decentralised "data" is already proposed by the likes of FILECOIN, IPFS. Whitepaper is kinda fuzzy for my liking. When it says allowing "millions... to serve content". Well "content" can be kinda BIG. Again, torrents address the division of labour/bandwidth when it comes to distributing content. Regarding DNS, see NAMECOIN. Re. "digital barriers".... HOW? Re. high hosting costs... cloud functions where u only pay for function call solves that, so it is not accurate to say you pay hosting costs regardless of usage.. Github acitivity this week... only 5 commits, I'd expect HUGE activity - u ain't going to rewrite the internet at 5 commits a week. There is even some machine learning thrown in. So in summary this offers too much and it is too vague for me to have any confidence in it.
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