Golem Network Tokens (GNT) have gone up ~460% since Nov ICO. Including an ~100% increase in the last 24 hours. To the moon!

in #ico8 years ago

Golem Up!.jpg

In November, I bought about $500 USD worth of Golem Network Tokens (GNT).

This morning I recuperated my investment by selling $500 USD worth of said GNT back to the market.

I still have aprox $1800 USD worth of GNT, thanks to it increasing in value by 460% in the last 4 months.

Fuck yeah Golem Project. Fuck yeah Blockchain. Fuck yeah.


heeey do you accept steem :D I have 100 to offer :D and no money sadly :D I do like the idea and I was thinking of the same thing, since I do renders and tat takes 80% of CPU when it's active then I have a month off and hover around 1-5 % usage :D coupled with the fact I don't play games anymore. My pc is getting bored I guess :D can I make money off of it every 4 hours a day?

btw Thanks to @shla-rafia for going through his hurdles and linking to you :)

Cheers mate now following, i you have questions for steemit feel free to ask away, you seem like a smart man so you should do well here anyways :)

There is a lot of good content and more people are joining in by the day, hopefully we can straighten out and move in a similar direction soon enough.

It would be ideal to see 1000% increase in value of steem so It can return to where it was and continue around there :)

PS just saw you joined in months ago.
Are you well acquainted with the goings on here, or are just watching from the sidelines?
I'm guessing you are busy with your business :)

Hey man,

First off, Golem's in Alpha currently. You can join the Alpha here: https://golem.network/alpha.html

Buuuuuut, it's all testnet money. So you can't make a profit until the full release of Brass Golem in a few months. Signup to their email list to hear about that.

I'm a total Steem newb. I actually signed up thinking it was more like reddit (with many links) than something of a blogging platform. Still cool and I'll still participate. But not what I came for.

Yeah It's a big melting pot of ideas, I'm not sure anybody knows what it's for right now, bloggers do well yes, but it's a mix of everything mainstream(YT,FB,Twitter,Reddit,) everybody is just trying to figure it out, I'm not sure there is something to figure out :D it's just a bunch of clay at this point, well fashioned and with many gems inside, the fun part it's not shaped into anything specific, so It can grow in many directions, or at least that's how i see it :)

Anyways most people find it disheartening when they come with a specific reason in mind, Reddit would be one, the payout would be the most approached ad the censure free the third in the top 3 of reasons people come here. Either way I don't think it's either, it used to be a payout platform with no censureship aye, but then something changed magically, :D now everybody is picking up pieces wondering what is the point :D, I say we make one :D

Will check out the golem ,still haven't I'm not in a ruch for a payout either I just like the exploration so far, wouldn't stop myself tho if I was making a profit :D

Yes just what I had in mind indeed, Thank the team for me if you get the chance :) The security point bugs me a bit, but it shouldn't be a problem, thanks for being so honest :) thanks to the site that is :D

Good luck to you, if you have anything to say feel free to message me, maybe it's finally time for me to switch to the bender after all :D