Electricity is the greatest and one of the most helpful discoveries or rather technology humans have ever come across. It has been the base of many more developments in the world; for the betterment and ease of mankind. Introduction of electricity was one of the major turn around that history ever saw. It changed the length of a day from sunrise to sunset to sunrise and even after sunset people no longer had to quit all work and go off to bed. It added some extra hours to industrial work as well as allowed the production to grow by introducing machines that worked with the help of electricity.

As much of a boon as electricity seemed to be for almost a century, people started noting the adverse effects that its over usage was causing. A few of the major issues being global warming, the mediums used to emit light were not made environment friendly and it started giving off greenhouse gases. Electricity also uses some of the major nonrenewable resources of earth.

One more drawback to these not so properly planned lights and energy was the increasing electricity bill that was becoming a burden on the common man. Around this time LED lights came into the picture. They emitted light without posing the issue of emission of greenhouse gases. Since it did not need a lot of power the electricity bills weren't huge and less power also meant less exploitation of resources.
Terawatt is a platform that has come up with this idea to support the usage of LED lights in houses, offices, industries, government areas etc. This supporting a global cause and decreasing the emission of greenhouse gases. Light emitting diode or LED lights adoption will be promoted by a decentralised autonomous organisation whose funds will be raised by major energy consuming companies.

The users or purchasers of LED lights recognised by the patent pending process of terawatt platform, will be rewarded the tokens in the platform. They can further use these tokens to access their stored data in the long run.

In the current times, the conservation of the environment is the biggest concern of most of the powerful industries. In 2015 the electricity generation and usage itself grossed to about 30% of all the greenhouse gas emitted in the US. Taking this concern up and promoting a good solution is definitely a good start towards a better way of living which is also sustainable. Every little step or action that we do or partake in, is either a threat or a conservation of our environment. In closing it's safe to say that terawatt is working in to a better future and that we should all try and contribute to a better future at whatever level we can is well.
Website - https://terawattled.com/
Whitepaper - https://terawattled.com/assets/Terawatt.pdf
Telegram - https://t.me/TeraWattICO
ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4588781.0
Published by - dannywhelan
Btalk profile - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1606458