Montha raised 37 million dollars (95 000 ETH) in 18 minutes!
So you're probably thinking now why people want that token so badly. What is it, what do they do?
Monetha aims to solve three of the big problems merchants face. Trust Issues, payments and inability to reach the growing ETH economy.
Trust and reputation system is at moment only available in closed marketplaces such as Amazon, Ebay or Alibaba. Yes, they could join them, but now the face all the rules, legislations and sales commissions set up by these monopolies. Such as 20% on commission fees from sales.
So yeah, if you want to sell a laptop on Amazon for 1000$ well you need to give us 200$ of that money to that to Amazon.
The current payment process is long and expensive. Up to 15(!) different type of fees including a transaction fee of between 2% to 6%, and a chargeback fee of USD 20. Hmmm... that is a not very convenient.
The World Bank estimates that 10% of global GDP will be generated on blockchains
by 2025. The GDP estimated for 2025 is $100T, thus the value generated through
blockchain is expected to be $10T (10%).
And merchants don't have the chance to be part of that market.
Monetha wants to create a decentralized payment and trust solution. So something like mixing Paypal and Amazon together and using the Ethereum Blockchain to make it work. Merchants will
be able to accept Ethereum based cryptocurrencies and exchange them with
traditional (fiat) currencies
For the idea is good and would score 3/3 points, however, an Idea without people to implement it is useless. So let's look at the Monetha Team.
Read the Whitepaper!
The recent face on social media of Monetha is pretty boy Justas Pikelis.
Since his graduation from Illinois Instuitute of Technology he founded 3 companies: G4, stebink and UFO.
Justas Pikelis LinkedIn
Co-Founder at Monetha is Andrej Ruckij
Andrej used to work as the head of Development at Adform. Boss to over 290 professionals. Adform is a global digital media advertising technology company.
Andrej Ruckij LinkedIn
Ok now the guys that accutally matter:
Eric Duprat: Prior to Monetha was the General Manager of Mobile at PayPal. Where he increased payment volume of $7M to $4+B.
Eric Duprat LinkedIn
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur: Has obtained a Google Award for Excellent Research in Academia. He has advised companies like “Philips”, “Amazon”, “Thales” and “Swissquote”.
Their team consists 7 other memebers, however, after looking into their LinkedIn I found nothing out of the ordinary. In conclusion Monetha has very impratant insider members, which are essential to their project.
Team scores a 2/3 Points.
Let's look at their following. A team is only as good as their support.
Twitter: Currently at 4130 followers, with about 30isch retweets per posting.
Following can give a good estimate for how fast an ICO will come to the big exchanges. Therfore its really important to have some hype around your company.
Since of today, 5th September MTH tokens are exchangable on Etherdelta. MTH should hit the big exchanges in about 2 weeks.
Facebook: At around 5,559 likes.
Reddit: Look for yourself:
MTH price is currcently at 18 Cents and can be obtained at EtherDelta.
Token Distribution
50% of tokens generated to Crowdsale participants.
10% of tokens generated for future company financing. (Locked up for 12 months)
12% of tokens generated to bounty campaign, advisors, partners, ICO campaign costs
15% for the Montha team.
13% going to the loyatly program. WTF is that??
Loyalty program:
Every purchase made via the Monetha payment system will reward the client of the
merchant with 0.2% of the value of the transaction in Monetha tokens from the Monetha loyalty pool.
Hmm.... ok thats cool
Alright so a maximum number of tokens generated is 402 400 000, and the token sale hard cap is 95 000 ETH, giving the current vaule of 1MTH token of 10.8 Cents.
MTH can be bought at around 13 Cents at EtherDelta. At that price, MTH is in my opinion still extremly undervalued.
However, this is not financial advice just my opinion always do your own research.
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Is a same people buy so much coins!! not good for the future of this cryptocurrency.
This was helpful. Please do some more
Thanks for this article, found it very useful.