Flixxo looks like an exciting project. As stated in the title Flixxo is launching a platform to compete with YouTube. I have heard a lot of youtubers complain recently about demonetization of their videos (mostly from YouTube bots) and the red tape they have to go through to get their videos remonetized.
Competing with YouTube wont be easy, YouTube has a large user base and brand name recognition, but Flixxo has a few things going for their project that may give them an edge.
Flixxo has Gibraltar Law on board as legal advisors, I always check what the legal plan is, as this is a key factor in deciding if I like a project or not.
Flixxo users can choose to watch adds or share videos in order to earn credits, and when users watch videos credits are spent. Advertisers can buy and then use credits to place adds on Flixxo. the credits used on the platform will be a Flixxo specific token that can also be taken off platform and converted into other crypto currencies.
The Flixxo platform solves one problem I could see with other crypto video platforms by allowing viewers to earn cridits for watching adds. The user will not need to go and buy credits because credits can be earned. The down side is that you’ll probably watch some adds, but you watch adds on YouTube already, and content creators who loose adds may stop making content.
I’m not sure of how well token value will rise, seeing as how anybody can just watch some adds when they want tokens, however there is a fixed supply and I’m more excited in the platform then token value.
A video made by a Youtuber about demonetization
see, I knew Google/Youtube was having problems
YouTube has problems...
i intend to apply for a bounty on this post