If you are a newbie in the cryptocurrency world you are mostly like don't understand how to send and receive digital currencies. It is really hard to get know different variants of these simple (anyway, at first sight) financial operations. There is plenty of various types of crypto wallets and you have to puzzle about how to exchange fiat money to virtual analogs. But there are some other problems which definitely need personal solutions. We are talking about the speed and cost of transfers.
This is a very usual situation when you try to get your money off the wallet but you can't do it. The confirmation does not happen and you are waiting more over and over. What would you do if it happens to you? Our answer is the only: use Nexty
What is the secret?
Nexty is a crypto ecosystem and it has multiple solutions for people who are involved in the digital currency world. There are useful innovations for investors, businessmen, and crypto holders. Unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in its initial coin offering because it was already completed but you can get to know the new level of transfer's speed. It is very high.
Recently, World Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Summit has been held in Moscow. It was attended by approximately 100 ICO projects from over 100 countries worldwide. That was a perfect chance for ICOs and investors to meet up, discuss and get knowledge from each other. Nexty Platform was one of the guests of it and this project's co-founder and CTO Thanh Dao presented the way the platform performs for the end user. And that was impressive because he sent some amount of NTY tokens to his wallet using the Nexty Wallet for Android and the transfer was confirmed in a couple of seconds.
Thus instant transfer is the first achievement of Nexty. The second one is zero transaction fee. In turn, lack of cost for transfer is possible thanks to Dual Cryptocurrency Confirmation System (DCCS) which combines two tokens – NTY and NTF. NTY uses in usual payments but the meaning of the 2nd one is more difficult. NTF was created for transfer confirmation system. If you hold NTF you are not charged per transaction. You will get a reward of a small amount of digital currency at the minimum rate at the end of sealing round which may last from 30 minutes to 360 minutes. We sure it is a great breakthrough.
And the third meaning of Nexty is business support. Nexty is an investment instrument and if a startup has a promising idea or even completed products the project can provide it a platform to accumulate necessary funds through initial coin offering. That is the one more reason of Nexty's investor appeal because investors of such ICOs have to buy Token via pNTY. In turn, this process increases potential and elevates the value of the NTY.
You can get know much more information if you check the Nexty's official site and social media out.