Our First ICO Video

in #ico8 years ago (edited)

Everybody is talking about Initial Coin Offerings these days. And for every ICO, a video to explain and promote the project is needed. This is the first ICO video we made. 

The client is Greeneum, a platform that aims to disrupt energy trading, production and consumption by combining artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Their software can predict the need for energy in a grid very precisely. This helps to optimise the way energy is used. Greeneum especially endorses the usage of renewable energy produced by solar cells, wind turbines, geothermic power stations etc.

This was a very challenging project, as we only had two weeks to create the video. Fortunately, the client was very fast in approving our script. The best way to realise a project of this scope in such a short time was to work with stock footage. We combined footage we bought from the platform Videoblocks with very simplistic animations created by Inés Trigub from Argentina. 

Also the music was made in Argentina, by our music wizard Julio Kladniew. The main part of the work was to select the right video snippets and to edit them on the music and the beautiful voice track by Stephanie Murphy from New Hampshire. The editing was done by Anastasya Stolyarov from Berlin and me.

For the short time we had to make this video, I am quite happy with it. But we do prefer to create everything ourselves to working with stock footage, as you have more creative control. So if you plan an ICO and need a video to help you raise some millions, please contact us early enough so we can create something really cool.


definitely going to participate in this ICO :)

Good post my friend nice to me you i am @djnoel ;)

Happy days greetings Dr. Aron from sven