You decide to press your luck. You think if you exhale you can just slip past the tight gap and make it the wider chamber on the other side. This will however be quite a risky attempt. If you get stuck there is no one to come help.
Just too give yourself all the help you can get. You take off your shirt and push all your belongings ahead of you. So nothing will get caught on the jagged rocks.
You then exhale and slowly force yourself through the tight gap. You can feel the sensation of something warm running down your chest as you are slightly cut from pushing through. You however make it and only have a slight wound that you quickly wrap some with the emergency supplies you had on you.
The next area of the cave network was indeed a lot bigger. Before you knew it you were back up walking instead of crawling. You hope there are no further tight passages like that. At this point, you have started to lose track of time somewhat. You have now been in the cave for quite some time.
You walk a little further and suddenly your face hits something rather hard. You bounce back somewhat in shock at what just happened. You reach your hand out and despite the area looking clear, something is pushing back as you press hard on an invisible surface.
It seems this cave was indeed hiding something. You take a closer look and realize that you don’t see a reflection of yourself. Whatever this invisible barrier is appears to be mimicking the surrounding area to give the illusion that the cave continues from this point.
You run your hands across the invisible barrier looking trying to feel how far the barrier goes on both sides of the chamber you are in. After some time you happened to find a small gap between the cave wall and the barrier itself. You continue to follow it.
You then hit another invisible barrier after a good ten or so steps. You again reach your hand out and attempt to feel around. From the best you can tell there is a path going to the left and one going to the right. Which one will you take?
Content is written by @Enjar of @Enjargames.