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RE: Welcome to the IBT Training Grounds - Final Trial - Stage 2 of 2

in #ibt6 years ago

Odins Beard Shakens! You load a deadly fire magic arrow into that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost too long aim and release in a swift move. You do a large amount of damage, its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy... Nice! you needed to hit for 6 and including bonuses from items you hit for 13.. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel



Head shot! Your shot is so perfect:
if anyone saw theyd know you are one bad dawg when equipped with a bow, you pierce the enemy for a hit of 6 points!. Nice! you needed to hit for 0 and including bonuses from items you hit for 9. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel


The bot is confused...Life command has no use past Stage5??

Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
its not the best shot ever lol!, but hopefully no-one was watching. You pierce the enemy for a hit of 3 points. Nice! you needed to hit for 2 and including bonuses from items you hit for 6. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel