

holds item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!
Tip: This items extra hit points will be added to your attack score


Bamm! No use Stage Item Obtained: A useless Clock! no effect to players hit!

TIP: Your pickpocket item will be replaced each time you steal a new one. Currently this has not been locked down so please only run pickpocket once per stage


You summon up your inner energy and fail to produce a lightening spell:
devistated by your own lack of skill, you manage a self destruct spell and leave it for the pros - you lose a life!
Badluck! You needed to hit for 6. Better luck next time!

@LordNigel It says I needed to hit for 6 but the boss only hit for 5. I also have a +1 item. I openpocketed for a clock of 0 effect. Not sure what's up but hopefully it's helpful to know and VERY EASY TO FIX! hahaha