

You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
the string breaks (oops!) as the arrow is released it bounces off a nearby rock harmlessly. Gobbo happened to be walking by at the time and wets himself in laughter, seeing your low skill he attacks. @gobbo

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 5.


You have all 3 life points:


OMG! What are you doing? You load your bow ready for a devistating magical shot, but must have got your spells mixed up, instead of enchanting your arrow you turn yourself into a...turd! - you lose a life

Hey man, thanks for playing or trying to work it out at least. I might ask for a favor later.

I'm not very good at writing up instructions on how to play (I get allot of I'm lost statements).I can see your starting to get the hang of it, but I really need some better instructions.

As your just learning now, you would be in a great place to help me build some better instructions so people don't get lost, would you be free to help?

I'm going to do some mini games after this tournament, kindda like a training grounds. Would be heaps good if you could try and give direct feedback on the instructions etc?...wouldn't take long.

It's important as I'm struggling to get new players - How do I write up instructions so players can work out what to do, which work, which don't etc? can chat on Discord later if your interested? Cheers

🚩 🚩 🚩 ITEM VOIDED. 🚩 🚩 🚩

Limit one item pickpocketed per stage foe. Boots remain in effect.