in #ibt6 years ago (edited)


Ok so that was a rough start for those who have done Stage 1!but maybe things will go better for Stage 2 :)

You stumble into the village and all decide to hit the town tavern.

There are all kinds of crazy creatures hanging out, drinking and eating weird stuff here. Oh gosh, for some reason @doctorcrypto has gotten you all into a fight. 

It seems a mage who was enjoying a game of pool took great offense to @doctorcrypto's dress sense, something about wearing his underwear on his head being not acceptable in a public place - what's the world coming to?

This pool player mage is a pro.

Seems he couldn't handle the truth when you told him wearing underwear on you head is good... sometimes. He stops playing his game of pool and tosses balls at you with magic

He has an attack power of 2 (You must score a hit of 2 or more to win this Stage). 

Special field info for this Stage (check for your class): Fortunately this Mage is drunk and his magic isn't so accurate. Still he seems well practiced at throwing stuff at other Mages.

Warrior:  Player has no change  

Wizard:  Player to remove 1 point from your hit point score  

Archer:  Player has no change    

Quick Summary of attack commands per class are:

Archer attack:   

  • Quick attack, likely to hit: !onearrow
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !manyarrows

Wizard attack:  

  • Quick attack, likely to hit:  !mysticzap
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !mysticblast

 Warrior attack:   

  • Quick attack, likely to hit: !warriorstab 
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !warriorslash

If gobbo appears you get one shot to defeat him (must use Difficult attack), failure means loss of a life point. If you do win you may pick his pocket as well before immediately resuming your attack on the enemy... as gobbo has run away, the little Git!

NOTE: The attack will only be activated if you type the command in on it's own in a reply.   


!l3 - I have 3 lives

!l2 - I have 2 lives

!l1 - I have 1 life left 

!ibtluckydip - I want to summon my permanent level0 item please (must transfer steem)

!openpockets - Steal from the foe, could be good or bad, the item counts only for the stage you snagged it.

!special - Use the special attack available at level 1 (needs a trophy)

I know it sounds like allot of work and even a bit complicated - But it's actually heaps of fun, try to remember this is a work in progress and you are supporting the work by playing and providing vital on the field testing :)  

HAve a great time!

Special thanks to @spaceginger   for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above, Extra Special thanks to @doughtaker our field judge and other contributors and players that upvote and participate to help to make this a fun community event. Other images were captured from the abandonware game bardstale3.  100% of Steem raised will be split evenly and given to those who win in the first attack.  


This man has the nerve to throw balls at a women.... "Grits teeth"



Connie Lingus holds item 6: Adv. Helm of The Gobbo! +4 to players hit!

Sweet! the bot not only remembers who you are but what Item you got from your lucky dip! seems it's working good.

You have all 3 life points:


Connie Lingus holds item 6: Adv. Helm of The Gobbo! +4 to players hit!


You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target, the enemy puts it out, but it managed a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills.

These early stages are almost too easy with that great item you lucked. Adv Helm of the Gobbo rulez!

Second round!


You have all 3 life points:


Bamm! Obtained item 3: Clock! +1 to players hit!



You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
the string breaks (oops!) as the arrow is released it bounces off a nearby rock harmlessly. Gobbo happened to be walking by at the time and wets himself in laughter, seeing your low skill he attacks. @gobbo

Stage 2: Angel Food is tired from running. The peasants gave him a scare, and it took a lot of burnt calories running to talk himself righ again. Agoraphobia in the first stage is all to familiar and very unacceptable for a mighty moon piloting donut cannibalist. Angel Food is not interested in such frivolous fashion preferences. “Pfff..., stupid...” says Angel Food.
The tavern was devoid of donuts, and espresso. He sees the magic balls and gets a little excited for an excuse to eat another powdered sugar grub instead...


As Angel Food reaches for his powdered sugar, he also casts a mighty spell. (no wand)


Angel Food holds item 4: Grub! +2 to players hit!


You have all 3 life points:

ahh crap how the hell!!!

I’m really sorry. @lordnigel I thought I was finally being a low maintenance player. I actually miss @doughtaker.

I'm still here, just not able to be online as frequently as I'd like. Since any one of those rolls would've won I don't need to go through and sort out the timestamps.

Stage 2 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 6), 2 flawless victories.

Hey man worries - IBT is a community event, no one here is gonna get upset with a few mistakes/bit of mess on a page, if they do - then they ain't welcome here.


You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target, the enemy puts it out, but it managed a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills.


You summon up your inner energy and produce a powerful spell:
The blast hits true, and you do significate damage with a hit of 10! Also 10 points for Gryffindor!


You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fireball looks cool, not like wow-holy-shit-amazing...but cool!. It burns the enemy with a solid hit of 4 points. You use the diminishing flame in your hands to spark up you pipe and take a long hit whilst stroking your beard.


Die Ball Handler!!!


You have all 3 life points:


Lucky you! Obtained item 2: Dagger! +1 to players hit!


It doesn't pay to play pool on an empty stomach....

Stick archer is show this pool mage how to play pool!


You have all 3 life points:


D-oh! Obtained item 9: Boots! -1 to players hit!



You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
the bow made a strange sound as the arrow launches, as if the string nearly broke, but you clip the foe for a hit of 2 points!

Wanda the Witchy Wizard is back to kick some bad guy ass!


You have all 3 life points:


You attempt to perform a quick fireball attack:
seems you slipped on a banana, not enough time at Wizard School? Gobbo happened to be walking by at the time and knows youre an easy target, so he attacks..@gobbo

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 3.

Medivh:"Lets play some pool!!"


You have all 3 life points:


Medivh holds item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


You attempt to perform a quick fireball attack:
seems you slipped on a banana, not enough time at Wizard School? Gobbo happened to be walking by at the time and knows youre an easy target, so he attacks..@gobbo

Tim Ross the Paint Wizard is sitting back enjoying his nice cold sarsaparilla when an irrate billiards player seems disgruntled over my Befriended Burger buddy's attire.

In the spirit of peace and friendship Ross the Boss offers up some compromising suggestions to help cover up BuRguR MeCh's "tasty dipping sauces and a spice blend"...

This apparently wasn't good enough for our local billiards champ. He became even more upset that these dirty hippies and their edible friends are corrupting the culture in their precious town.

The Paint Wizard puts his glass down and stands up to take care of business as the billiard balls are flying his way. He holds his hand out and uses his Wizardry of Friendship to turn those mean, heavy, violent balls into.... Harmless Friends of Fuzz!


You have all 3 life points:


Tim Ross holds item 4: Grub! +2 to players hit!

Realizing he isn't going anywhere for a while... Tim Ross pulls out a Special Edition Granola Snickers bar and takes a bite for a +2 to hit!

Hahaha classic!

As I reach for and finish my Sarsaparilla I look over at BuRguR MeCh and shrug my shoulders and say...

Tim Ross the Paint Wizard Boss looks at the disgruntled billiards champion rolling on the floor with his "Harmless Friends of Fun" balls in his hands and thinks how happy it is to see this guy with his new friends.

So pleased to be making so many new friends... Tim Ross walks on in search of more opportunity to foster developmental growth and communication in relationships!

The following is a transcript of a group text between various members of the hero team/organization known as the Doughtaker Dozers.

Doomguy: Hey boss... don't I have a colleague who plays pool?

Doughtaker: You do indeed. Meteora's traveling on another mission though. What's going on?

Doomguy: Got some S.O.B. pool player who seems to be high here, ranting about underwear and shit. Also looks like he's a wizard of some sort.

Meteora: WTF?! Someone trying to give us pool-playing wizards a bad name? Gib that bastard for me, will you? Also, send me the coordinates to your location -- I might just want to lay waste to the place when I have a chance.

Doomguy: Roger. Transmitting coordinates...

Doughtaker: This ought to be fun...

Meteora: 👍 👍


Doomguy holds item 6: Adv. Helm of The Gobbo! +4 to players hit!


You have all 3 life points:



You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
it almost looked like you were a pro (are you secretly practising?), you pierce the enemy for a a hit of 4 points


Doomguy texts back to the group: Got him. Also preserved his cue stick as a trophy.

The next night, a vengeful Meteora shows up outside the tavern and decides to lay waste to it.

Source: TROYCA

Yep, that barrage will most definitely obliterate the tavern.

4 + 4 (lucky item) = 8 (PASS)

Stage 2 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 6), 2 flawless victories.


You have all 3 life points:


Oops! Obtained item 12: Key! +2 points to enemy hit!



You summon up your inner energy and produce a powerful spell:
The blast hits true, and you do significate damage with a hit of 10! Also 10 points for Gryffindor!

I think I overdid the spell.. I can´t make out his face anymore..the wise.jpg

Stage 2 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 6), 2 flawless victories.

I’m dead :(

No your not, you get 3 fresh lives with every stage. You lost them all last stage but can now play this stage with 3 fresh ones :)

Not yet again! 🤣

All players have now completed Stage 2. Here are the results:


If the number 31 shows up in the same row as your name under column "S2", congratulations. You won on the first attempt and get a share of the STEEM prize pool for this stage.

Cool! nice work all - Steem for everybody...coming soon :)

Dareth yawns nonchalantly as a ball flies over his head.



You have all 3 life points:


You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
it almost looked like you were a pro (are you secretly practising?), you pierce the enemy for a a hit of 4 points

Dareth laughs as the pro pool playing mage slumps to the ground.

"He really balls'd that up" he chuckles to himself.


Stage 2 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 6), 2 flawless victories.


You have all 3 life points:


Oops! Obtained item 12: Key! +2 points to enemy hit!


Drats… okay so currently I'm -1 from my hit score for being a wizard and my enemy has +2 to their hit, and they already have 2 hit points... so I need a score of 5 to win?


Savage! Obtained item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


The people around here are so angry! What is his beef with @doctorcrypto's strange head adornment? I'm sure he means only to keep his head warm. Perhaps this angry wizard is jealous because his head is cold. I'd best do something before that heavy ball comes my way.


You have all 3 life points:


You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
the bow made a strange sound as the arrow launches, as if the string nearly broke, but you clip the foe for a hit of 2 points!

Stage 2 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 6), 2 flawless victories.

That was close! I really should stop panicking so much, I'm losing my touch.
@doctorcryoto, have you considered trying less offensive headwear? Perhaps we need to ask what is the accepted norm here.

After catching up for awhile Serra and Bear head into town. Normally Serra would have no interest in visiting the tavern but Bear was quite insistent that she owed him for interrupting his brothel visit. Once inside they are confronted by some odd wizard fellow who starts tossing balls at them.

"You deal with it Bear!" barks Serra, "You're the one who dragged me to this dump!"



You have item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


All these years, all the practice, all the sweat and pain have been leading up to this.....moment of perfection. You lean back, let the calm become one with you and seem to rest....then you swiftly jab. Your moves are so fast, the enemy does not see you coming...and so powerful, you deliver a devastating hit of 6 points. Teach us your ways, Senpai.

A pool ball bounces off of Bears head but is little more then an annoyance. He punches the mage in the throat, dropping him instantly and invoking a cheer from some of the other patrons who were starting to get tired of his antics.

Bear decides to help himself to the mages beer while Serra sulks in the corner cleaning her nails. She still feels like she can smell the Gobbo and shudders at the thought of that horrible little creature stalking her....

Victory! Needed 2, Attack 6+1


Problems back at Stage one. I'll allow you to play on, but if you don't resolve Stage one, you cannot upgrade to level 1 and those 3 life points will go. @doughtaker, you cool with this approach?

Stage 2 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 6), 2 flawless victories.


You have all 3 life points:

Kentaur takes her time aiming at this ball handling hoodlum...


Kentaur holds item 4: Grub! +2 to players hit!

Chewing some gum Kentaur let's loose the death-blow while fixing her hair in the process...

Hahaha nice shooting


Lucky you! Obtained item 2: Dagger! +1 to players hit!



You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
the bow made a strange sound as the arrow launches, as if the string nearly broke, but you clip the foe for a hit of 2 points!


Hey mate - you actually won at this point. You only need to hit for a 2 here. IBT isn't automatic yet so the bot can't tell you when you have won or lost yet, unfortuantely for the moment at least, you have to add up/check yourself.

It's allot of coding for me to get it that far, but with each passing IBT I learn more and the bot is getting more advanced.

Haha I noticed that eventually :D

Head shot! Your shot is so perfect, if anyone saw theyd know you are one bad dawg when equipped with a bow, you pierce the enemy for a hit of 6 points!

Might as well get the practice in so you know what you can expect down the line.

Stage 2 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 3), 1 flawless victory.


The Archer braces his crossbow on the milkmaid's shoulder, letting her absorb those pesky billiard balls...


The Archer holds item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
the bow made a strange sound as the arrow launches, as if the string nearly broke, but you clip the foe for a hit of 2 points!

It will do!

2 +1 ignot = 3

The balls bounce off the milkmaid, allowing the Archer to send off an arrow, skewering the casting hand of the mage.

Stage 2 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 6), 2 flawless victories.

Hehe yep, that did the job!


You have all 3 life points:


Lucky you! Obtained item 3: Dagger! +1 to players hit!


You draw and swing your sword:
Wow! It almost looks like you know what you are doing lol. Suprised, the enemy is damaged with a hit of 5 points. Fake it till you make it, as they say.

Stab +5
Dagger +1
Total: 6
Required: 2

Result: success! 3 life points banked

Stage 2 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 6), 2 flawless victories.


Sorry small bot outage...seems ok now to try again :)


You have all 3 life points:

Winifred van Schneedle decides that a pool cue could be just an effective weapon as a knitting needle, with the bonus of it being just a bit longer ...

She makes her move with delightful glee.


You draw and jab with your sword:
The years of practice with a wooden knifey boi are not lost on you! Eager for your first blood you strike well and the enemy takes damage, with a hit of 4 points. Senpai, notice me!

Haha nice..

This guys ball powers don't scare me, he must be destroyed!


..can't remember what my luckydip item was, so if the bot works right it should remember and tell me.

You have all 3 life points:


SteemCyberMan holds item 2: Clock! +1 to players hit!


You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
Holy Cow! This time it actually flew straight and you pierce the enemey for a hit of 5 points!

I’m dead :(

The dead don't speak.

Lol ..tell no tales

"What is Dead may Never Die!"
@mazzle You get 3 new lives at the start of each stage. So you have a fresh start now! I had a tough round 1 also!



Bot was down, but should be good to try again if keen.


Hey @mazzle, want to give it another go? The IBT bots should be working normally again.

UPDATE ON BOT: Seems it went down for an unknown reason.Is weird as is still running, its like it lost it's lock on the block chain.
I'm investigating, I have restarted it and it should be good to go again now.