in #ibt6 years ago (edited)


Ok guys, we have waited long enough, lets play!

The excitement of the enrolment process is behind us and now its time to board the boat and set sail.

The voyage is uneventful  @ravenruis wheels out what looks like a crazy meat grinder machine, but actually its some kind of weird funky Juke box thingy??? 

There are buttons to press to listen, each has a description and they all read the same "NZ Music Month's Melodic Memories".

Either way the tunes are funky and combined with the gentle rocking of the boat on the ocean, you quickly fall asleep.

...Suddenly your awake, it's bright daylight and the ship has already docked. The crew seems to  have gone to shore without you.

As you leave the boat and head towards the village you are stopped by a freaky dude who wants to sell you a sword. When you tell him your not interested he is enraged and attacks

This guy won't shut-up and wants to sell you his sword.. enraged at your lack of interest he turns and attacks you completely unprovoked!!   

He has an attack power of 3 (You must score a hit of 3 or more to win this Stage). 

Special field info for this Stage (check for your class): This dodgy sword salesman has a shield and is resistant to physical attacks:  

Warrior: Player to remove 1 point from your hit point score 

Wizard: Player has no change 

Archer: Player to remove 1 point from your hit point score 

Game Instructions -There are 5 steps to the Stage battle process:

(The full instruction list below will be shortened in future Stage posts)  
1. You need to self manage your character, you have 3 life points (3 attempts) to defeat the foe  

  • To display your life points, first type a reply !l3. As you lose fights, display your current life points for others to see, i.e !l2 and then !l1.
  • BOT BACKUP COMMANDS: The BT6 bot, is very experimental and has had almost no testing. As such, Stage One might not be smooth. In the event the bot doesn't activate, please wait and check back in a few hours, worse case a reply may be posted with alternative commands/instructions.

2. Optional Pickpocket time - You may attempt to pickpocket the enemy, you must do this before they are dead.  

  • To pick the pocket of your foe, type a reply !openpockets. Then wait to see what you get, it could be a positive or negative item and it only helps/hinders you for the stage in which you got it.

3. Optional Item use time -  To begin all players are level 0 and you may only have a single level0 item for the entire campaign.Level 0 items are random when summoned, to grab your level0 item do this.  

  • Transfer 0.01 Steem to the @wizardzap bot with a memo: "for ibt6" Doing this will also have the bot upvote your other steemit posts while you remain a IBT player. If the amount is less then 0.01 Steem or the memo is incorrect you will need to wait for me to manually assist.
  • Type in a reply below !ibtluckydip - Then just wait and see what level 0 item you luck, most are +1 to hit, none are negative items. 
  • BOT BACKUP COMMANDS: In the event the bot doesn't allow you to have your item, even after you have made a transfer, please be patient and wait for further information before continuing. Handling Steem and building a player inventory is an important and highly experimental part of IBT6 bot code. Many things could go wrong. Just hang in there if it does. I will fix and post a reply. 

4.You need a clean reply to complete an attack:   

Quick Summary of attack commands per class are:

Archer attack:   

  • Quick attack, likely to hit: !onearrow
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !manyarrows

Wizard attack:  

  • Quick attack, likely to hit:  !mysticzap
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !mysticblast

 Warrior attack:   

  • Quick attack, likely to hit: !warriorstab 
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !warriorslash

If gobbo appears you get one shot to defeat him (can only use difficult attack), failure means loss of a life point and you may then resume your attack on the enemy... as gobbo has run away, the little Git!

NOTE: The attack will only be activated if you type the command in on it's own in a reply.   

Please only use an attack for your class for this IBT - if you use an attack for another class, it will not be counted and you  may not win  Steem. You may need to wait a few seconds, then refresh the page to see  the  results. IF nothing happens, please be patient and someone will  advise  what to do next. 

5. You need to calculate if you won the fight or not? If you won in the first attempt, you will win Steem! and you just need to keep an eye on the campaign map  to see when the next stage is ready and you can move on.You may only  move on if you have won the Stage your on or lost all your life points,  if you move on prior all your life points for the previous stage will be  lost *and these are useful for the final boss round*. 

To calculate your true damage you need to add/remove  from the bot  provided hit points, the number of any positive/negative effects  from any items  you currently have or any other special field effects listed -It maybe possible to automate this process as well, but for this IBT you must manually count.  IF unsure wait for either myself or our field judge @doughtaker to check your hit score.

I know it sounds like allot of work and even a bit complicated - But   it's actually heaps of fun, try to remember this is a work in progress and you are supporting the work by playing and providing vital on the field testing :)  

HAve a great time!

Special thanks to @spaceginger   for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above, to @cryptonik who provided the original foundational bot code (hope he rejoins us soon) and @steemseph for his dividers. Boss round and optional round key Steem sponsors are @mattclarke and @lordnigel. Extra Special thanks to @doughtaker our field judge and other contributors and players that upvote and participate to help to make this a fun community event. Other images were captured from the abandonware game bardstale3. Bot images are original and created by LordRoach and are used with full permission . 100% of Steem raised will be split evenly and given to those who win in the first attack.  


SteemCyberMan will destroy you Sword sales dude!

..but before that...what's that in your pocket eh?


You have all 3 life points:


Ugh...Obtained item 10: Gem! -3 to players hit!


Oh man...that's not good.
Think I'll grab my store item to compensate.


Please transfer at least 0.010 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt6

Tim Ross Icon small.jpg
Tim Ross the Paint Wizard boss arouses from a most pleasant slumber. The last thing Mr. Ross recalls was hearing a funky rendition of Morning Mood as the tranquility of the excellent soundtrack, rocking boat, and sounds of the ocean helped him fall fast asleep.

Reinvigorated for this IBT journey, The Paint Wizard skedaddles to catch-up and join the fray! Along the way... an interesting Sell-Sword is literally trying to sell the boss a sword. I sit and listen to his sales pitch unimpressed. I considered making the purchase just to be nice, until I remembered that I am a wizard and have little skill with or use for a sword. I wonder how many sales have slipped passed this eccentric merchant!

Tim Ross politely declines the sale... but hands the Sell-Sword an old tattered and worn paperback copy of Donald J. Trump's Art of the Deal.

This crazy dude becomes violent and begins to attack. So, being the peaceful man that Tim Ross is... I reach deeper into my satchel and pull out an even more weathered and aged copy of How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie!

This disturbed the salesman even moreso and thus ensued the battle to end most battles!

Lol! nice reply and good luck buddy with your first attack.

In standard IBT style, you have won a trophy-token. Just reply here within 7 days with your bitshare account to receive.

I was starting at the first interactive battles up to the first IBT post. I have a lot more to read and go through... but I will be an IBT historian by the time it's all said and done. Going to REALLY get some sketching going on after i finish this comment. My OpenLedger account is: cstlbrr33
It's funny... one comment I made a while back ago about doing games on the blockchain was exactly what you expressed as you were formulating the IBT concept. That is cool! Thanks for all your hard work making this happen along with all the others who contribute!

Cool mate - It's certainly been both fun and challenging getting to this point. This IBT is the hardest so far as the bot goes as it is being asked to do allot. There are so many different things players can do and the bot has to cope. While I have some average programming skills and growing, I'm not good with layout, graphics etc and hence the IBT community support/ideas in this area is so important. Your trophy has been delivered :)


You have all 3 life points:

The Paint Wizard reaches even deeper still into his trusty satchel and gets out his paint brush.

You know it's time for business when I "Beat the Devil out of It!"

Time to get this salesman a friend. We all need friends!

Casts a powerful Cat of Nine Lives attack!


You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target, the enemy puts it out, but it managed a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills.

The Boss looks for consolement from his little friend.

ugh. just another stupid man in my way...


You have all 3 life points:


Nice luck! Obtained item 11: Power Charm of the Crypto! -2 to players hit!


Heckz! Obtained item 6: Adv. Helm of The Gobbo!(IBT most powerful item ever!) +4 to players hit!

Let's go!


You have all 3 life points:


Heckz! Obtained item 7: Adv. Helm of The Gobbo! (IBT most powerful item ever!) +4 to players hit!


Head shot! Your shot is so perfect, if anyone saw theyd know you are one bad dawg when equipped with a bow, you pierce the enemy for a hit of 6 points!

Who is this crazy man who thinks I can use a sword that is as big as me?! Hummingbird is sneaking around the back of him to to find out if there is anything helpful in his pockets.

Hahaha sneaky Birdie..


Bamm! Obtained item 3: Clock! +1 to players hit!


I'll take what I can get, because I obviously can't reason with this guy. He's coming right at me, and I only have my arrows!


You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
its not the best shot ever lol!, but hopefully no-one was watching. You pierce the enemy for a hit of 3 points

You try letting an arrow off when you've got a crazy guy running at you with a giant sword! I'm just glad it hit!

Okay, so hit for 3, +1 from the clock, -1 because I'm an archer. Total 3.
Phew! Feeling lucky today!


You have all 3 life points:

You challenge BuRgUr MeCh puny human?!?!!?


You have all 3 life points:


Lucky you! Obtained item 2: Dagger! +1 to players hit!


BM aims his mustard cannon and fires!!!

yum please shoot me with that!

Hahaha yuck!

All players have now completed Stage 1. Here are the results:


If the number 31 shows up in the same row as your name, congratulations. You won on the first attempt and get a share of the STEEM prize pool for this stage.

Great work @doughtaker and congratulations to the victors.

Medivh: "5 minutes and you will find out why I don't need the sword."


You have all 3 life points:


Savage! Obtained item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


You perform a quick fireball attack:
Wow! You impressed yourself with like the perfect fireball everrr, it exploded in the enemies face like its the 4th of July. Are you literally Merlin? You bring home a mighty hit of 6 points! Abra Kadabra and whatnot.


You have all 3 life points:


Look at that! Obtained item 1: Grub! +2 to players hit!



You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
Holy Cow! This time it actually flew straight and you pierce the enemey for a hit of 5 points!

Guess I defeated the big ass swords man. Take that!

Mate you kicked butt!

Angel Food awakens refreshed and ready for an adventure in a new land. He recalls the last time he felt like a tourist and snickers as he notices a local trying to sell a sword. The local looks desperate and immediately locks eyes with Angel Food. "Oh no, he is gonna ask me to buy that shit... obviously, it's not from the IBT #6 Item Shop."

Angel Food politely smiles a looks the other way. "Daoh! Never smile at them!" Angel Food is either a glutton for punishment or still tired. He knows better. Polite will get him in trouble here.
When prompted to purchase the sword, Angel Food replies like a overly accommodating self-absorbed tourist.
"No thanks, just because I look like I have money doesn't make me want to buy..."
Another denial infuriates the sales man and he attacks Angel Food before the end of his sentence. Angel Food sees the sales man's familiar change in expression. Angel Food attacks too.
Photo Mar 31, 5 20 17 PM.jpg

Mhaha nice! you have won a trophy token, reply here within 7 days with your bitshares acount to collect.


You have all 3 life points:

You have all 3 life points:


Please transfer at least 0.010 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt6

oh, i didn't use the exact spelling "for ibt6" sorry

I don't want a refund, but be fair if you must. I like to donate.


Look at that! Obtained item 4: Grub! +2 to players hit!

Angel Food tried to conger a donut. Some would consider the grub a fail, but Angel Food simply sprinkles powdered sugar on it. "YUMMMY!"



You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fibreball looks pretty magical as it flys through the air making fancy swirls - where will it hit? Impossible to predict its trajectory - it burns the enemy with a hit of 5 points. Hocus Pocus!

Angel Food’s fireball loops around and smacks on top of the angry merchants head. His head is completely burned away and a cauterized lump of chard flesh remains on top of his shoulders.
The sword and merchants headless body fall to the ground.

The sound of the sword hitting the ground translates into opportunity for ears attached to the desperate. Peasants begin to take notice. Angel Food’s smile changes to an expression of horror. He looks at his wand and hides it as the donut hairs on his back begin to rise. His jaw drops as he recalls IBT 4 and 5. Looking like dear mesmerized by headlights he feels frozen with fear. The boat ramp creaks begins him making a sound sufficient enough to break Angel Food’s daze. He closes his mouth and bursts into a full sprint in a direction opposite of the peasants. A few peasants notice the blur that is Angel Food, but their attention quickly moves back to the dead merchant’s possessions.

Roll 5 + Grub 2 is 7. Only needs 3 to win.


You have all 3 life points:


Lucky you! Obtained item 2: Dagger! +1 to players hit!



### You draw and swing your sword:
You manage a land a blow that looks far more impressive than the damage it actually delivers. Nevertheless, you cut the enemey with a hit of 3 points. You just like to play dont you?

Stab +3
Dagger +1
Warrior -1
Total: 3
Score needed: 3

Result: success! 3 life points banked.

Stage 1 result validated. 3 life points banked, 1 flawless victory.


You have all 3 life points:

So glad you spotted the music machine pumping out some most excellent kiwi sounds ... :D


In the meantime, Winifred van Scheedle has been sharpening her warrior skills and her warrior weapons with some knowledgeable friends. Yes, be afraid .. be very afraid.


You draw and jab with your sword:
You hit like a small child and the attack is easiely reflected. You fool! Underestimating your foe is no way to victory! The enemy bursts out laughing. Gobbo observed the scene unfold, well hiden in a nearby bush. He rushes over to finish you off @gobbo

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 4.

hehe sweet as machine.

Ibt7 is enroling if keen :)

I might just sit this one out as I don't seem to currently have the brain-power for much atm - not even cups of tea help! Worrisome, I know. But I should be back for IBT8. :D

No worries - take care and have a cucumber sandwich as well - it helps!

There, see how bad things are? I completely forgot about the restorative powers of a lovely cucumber sandwich!

Dareth steps back from the freaky sword dude and draws his bow at point blank range.



Sorry bot was down for unknown reason. It has resumed


You have all 3 life points:


Sorry mate, just try editing response, dont need to transfer again, just tweaked it

Please transfer at least 0.010 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt6


Ugh...Obtained item 10: Gem! -3 to players hit!



You have all 3 life points:


Oops! Obtained item 12: Key! +2 points to enemy hit!


Damn! you can only run this command once per yeah stuck with this -3 thing

Kentaur the Deadly Archer, fresh off the boat, doesn't want your bloody sword.

The attack has offended me and I take up my bow and aim straight for his hand that is holding the sword...


You have all 3 life points:


Nice luck! Obtained item 11: Power Charm of the Crypto! -2 to players hit!

Ouch this item sux! bit of bad luck...lucky it's just around for this stage only


Please transfer at least 0.010 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt6

Congratulations @lordnigel!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 217 comments

The Archer (and milkmaid) were a little distracted for a few days... (don't ask!!!). However, they are now here and ready (a little dishevelled) to embark upon another glorious IBT journey!


Savage! Obtained item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


Head shot! Your shot is so perfect, if anyone saw theyd know you are one bad dawg when equipped with a bow, you pierce the enemy for a hit of 6 points!

6 + 1 (lvl 0 ignot) = 7

This is just William Tell all over again, however, instead of an apple The Archer pierces both eyeballs of the annoying swordsalesman (how is that for tricky!). The milkmaid swoons!

Archers take a -1 penalty on this stage, so the actual result is 6 -- still a win.

Stage 1 result validated. 3 life points banked, 1 flawless victory.

Serra is not amused by this interaction. Normally when traveling she is greeted cordially. She was not expecting a pushy salesman trying to hawk a LQ sword to get in her face.

Oblivion was crafted by the gods not by some scabby blacksmith in a backwoods shit hole. Serra would never even consider picking up such a junky sword let alone use it in battle.

"En garde!"


Hmm wizardzap doesn't seem to be working... or is it because I am not officially registered yet?

I think @lordnigel has to manually add your username and character name in to @wizardzap's recognition database or something like that. You are officially enrolled though.

There might also be issues with @wizardzap at the moment, as I have seen multiple players not getting their automated responses to issued commands.

I'll just wait then. Thanks for the info.

Actually it should work without the need for me to do anything. Hmmn...Something else must be wrong. Just try again when ready


Please transfer at least 0.010 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt6


Savage! Obtained item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


Heckz! Obtained item 6: Adv. Helm of The Gobbo!(IBT most powerful item ever!) +4 to players hit!


You have all 3 life points:


This is amazing!

LOL. Thanks, but it was just a crude Photoshop job. See the gibs in the after pic? It was pretty much the same process for both the BFG9000 and the gibs.


You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
its not the best shot ever lol!, but hopefully no-one was watching. You pierce the enemy for a hit of 3 points

Wanda the Witchy Wizard is strong and powerful and will use her Wizard powers to destroy Freaky Dude with sword




You have all 3 life points:



You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target, the enemy puts it out, but it managed a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills.


You have all 3 life points:


Heckz! Obtained item 7: Adv. Helm of The Gobbo! (IBT most powerful item ever!) +4 to players hit!



You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fireball seemed to work, it burns the enemy with a hit of 3 point. Its a good start. You have still much to learn, young Padawan.


You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target, the enemy puts it out, but it managed a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills.

Bad luck here with this attack, normally the first round is a bit easier...tough this IBT6


You have all 3 life points:


Lucky you! Obtained item 2: Dagger! +1 to players hit!



You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target, the enemy puts it out, but it managed a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills.

I believe this is your winning kill here. 2 life points remaining. Don't worry too much, just about everyone will lose lifepoints along the way.

lets se what our field judge says shortly

If you got that dagger for a +1 before you attacked for 2... then you won. As a wizard you don't have a modifier. You need 3 to win so your +2 attack with your dagger for +1 is 3. Not sure if that was the order of your turn... but you won already i think! =)

Ok, got confused and just dropped the whole thing i think.. xD but im on to stage two with 3 lives then?


According to the timestamps from, the sequence of events occurred as follows:

  • May 26, 13:24:00 -- !l3
  • May 26, 13:24:37 -- !openpockets (@wizardzap responds with dagger)
  • May 26, 13:33:30 -- !mysticzap (@wizardzap responds with a roll of 2)
  • May 26, 13:38:21 -- !l2
  • May 26, 13:38:42 -- !mysticzap (@wizardzap responds with a roll of 2)
  • May 26, 13:42:12 -- !mysticzap (@wizardzap responds with a roll of 3)

The dagger was looted prior to the first roll, therefore the first roll total was 3 (2 + 1), and @the.wise won on the first attempt.

Stage 1 result validated. 3 life points banked, 1 flawless victory.

@doughtaker doesn't make mistakes (well not I've seen) - well done @the.wise you bank all 3 then :)

yep...each new stage, 3 new lifes. lives you don't lose from previous stages get banked for the boss round at the end. they all help a little, so the aim is to try to save as many life points per stage as you can.

So, now i have 6 then?

Hmmm, nice!


Pretty sweet right! Good job @the.wise. It can take a round or two to get the swing of things. You did better than me for round 1.


You still have 2 life points:


You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fireball seemed to work, it burns the enemy with a hit of 3 point. Its a good start. You have still much to learn, young Padawan.

UPDATE ON BOT: Seems it went down for an unknown reason.Is wierd as is still running, its like it lost it's lock on the block chain.
I'm investigating, I have restarted it and it should be good to go again now.