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in #ibt6 years ago

Tim Ross the Paint Wizard is sitting back enjoying his nice cold sarsaparilla when an irrate billiards player seems disgruntled over my Befriended Burger buddy's attire.

In the spirit of peace and friendship Ross the Boss offers up some compromising suggestions to help cover up BuRguR MeCh's "tasty dipping sauces and a spice blend"...


This apparently wasn't good enough for our local billiards champ. He became even more upset that these dirty hippies and their edible friends are corrupting the culture in their precious town.

The Paint Wizard puts his glass down and stands up to take care of business as the billiard balls are flying his way. He holds his hand out and uses his Wizardry of Friendship to turn those mean, heavy, violent balls into.... Harmless Friends of Fuzz!


You have all 3 life points:


Tim Ross holds item 4: Grub! +2 to players hit!

Realizing he isn't going anywhere for a while... Tim Ross pulls out a Special Edition Granola Snickers bar and takes a bite for a +2 to hit!

Hahaha classic!

As I reach for and finish my Sarsaparilla I look over at BuRguR MeCh and shrug my shoulders and say...

Tim Ross the Paint Wizard Boss looks at the disgruntled billiards champion rolling on the floor with his "Harmless Friends of Fun" balls in his hands and thinks how happy it is to see this guy with his new friends.

So pleased to be making so many new friends... Tim Ross walks on in search of more opportunity to foster developmental growth and communication in relationships!