
You have item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


All these years, all the practice, all the sweat and pain have been leading up to this.....moment of perfection. You lean back, let the calm become one with you and seem to rest....then you swiftly jab. Your moves are so fast, the enemy does not see you coming...and so powerful, you deliver a devastating hit of 6 points. Teach us your ways, Senpai.

A pool ball bounces off of Bears head but is little more then an annoyance. He punches the mage in the throat, dropping him instantly and invoking a cheer from some of the other patrons who were starting to get tired of his antics.

Bear decides to help himself to the mages beer while Serra sulks in the corner cleaning her nails. She still feels like she can smell the Gobbo and shudders at the thought of that horrible little creature stalking her....

Victory! Needed 2, Attack 6+1


Problems back at Stage one. I'll allow you to play on, but if you don't resolve Stage one, you cannot upgrade to level 1 and those 3 life points will go. @doughtaker, you cool with this approach?

Hey sorry, now that I think about it I do remember reading somewhere about using the special attack on Gobbo. Not sure why I didn't remember last night.

Stage 1 has been resolved properly. I also delayed validating his Stage 2 result until just now, waiting to see the outcome of Stage 1.

Stage 2 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 6), 2 flawless victories.