
Iboga is a plant medicine not a drug

Everytime a question of using. :-)

yes so true...thank you

Haha, and only because of that it can´t be harmful?

Its use has been associated with serious side effects and death. Between the years 1990 and 2008, a total of 19 fatalities temporally associated with the ingestion of ibogaine were reported, from which six subjects died of acute heart failure or cardiopulmonary arrest. Wikipedia

yes you are right...but we also dont have any detailed info why those people died...did they mix it with other drugs, did they use it as a drug? where did they do it?
Thats why I wrote its so important to do it with someone who knows his/her stuff. My sitter has been doing iboga ceremonies for more than 10years and never had an incident. So its a matter of respect for this medicine and proper usage...and also knowing your body and health conditions...#selfresponsability

Sure, apparently they did smth wrong. Trust is very important here!
I personally rather rely on regulations, and would not give my life into the hand of a "sitter", but everybody as he likes it.

"I personally rather rely on regulations, and would not give my life into the hand of a "sitter","

Quite literally the CRAZIEST comment I have come across in a long time.


Yes I completely agree...sure its up to everybody to decide themselves. thank you :)

Well said!
I know very harmful and even legal “substances” such as sugar, alcohol and the list goes on. It always depends how you use or if you abuse. I will reply even more a bit later because this topic is incredibly interesting for discussion. I need to find my article I write a while back and there you can also read some comments and various opinions.

and dosage.

Yes sooooo true!!! Sugar is like so badly addictive, almost like heroin...and nobody talks about people dying of diabetes and stuff. Thank you Silvie, loooking forward to your article <3

"The world is a dangerous place... Beware."
~General Disclaimer


pfhhh...dangerous because it would make you see your true potential and might make you rock the world?