In this 3d "reality" there is only LIGHT which is energy. It is expressed as "Creation" through THOUGHT, and thus, is the universal "language" of dimensions. Mathematics is the manner of PROVIDING a truth of "some-thing". All things "provided" this way appear "proved" and need not ever be "taken on faith" -- faith fallows from the examples of the proof by way of any manifestation -i.e., a flower or tree serve a mathematical reality of the presence of a greater organizer some referred to as "Creator". Broken down into its simple "life" components, however, it is but mathematical DNA structure. "Life" comes from the ability to flow in pulsed response instruction. Soul Awareness however is achieved from KNOWING balance and harmony achieved from innate Wisdom's BALANCED interchange with the provided proof or life . The purpose of all manifested life experience (or the provided proof), is to grow into KNOWING so that "Being reconnects ultimately to Original State perfection. Ponder these things carefully for they are the very foundation upon which you are being manipulated and enslaved. When you take control of the power that was birthed with you--you will prevail against the group thought form manipulating humanity, for they will no longer hold the power you have, in ignorance, given to them. If you utilize the same concept in the restructuring of your thought to action patterns, you can more quickly gain control over your own destiny. This is WHY the Elite establishment and the Churches of "religions" disdain and denounce the use of "hypnosis" -- because IT WORKS!! It is what completely controls and instructs THEM. it is everything. The point being is that it not only "works" but -- in the mind of Lighted intent it overcomes all adversarial capability once self utilized. It is up to you what you feed into your data functions. For as it is, garbage in--garbage out, miracles in--miracles out. Come to utilize the method already manifest and used on you and the Elite, (as they are the most manipulated of all) because THAT is the ONLY passage through. There are merely our acceptance or rejection of the thoughts subliminally embraced that determine our personal 3d lie experience. You prove it every time you look for something you have already told yourself is missing, like your keys. You have already told yourself they are lost and can NOT see them until you give up "trying" to find them. In any case why go to "trial" when you can settle in peace.
You need to get into !
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