What is Hypnosis?

in #hypnosis8 years ago (edited)

Hypnosis is the bypass of critical thinking.

For instance if I were to tell you that you feel great, your critical thinking might say “No I don't! And how do you know how I am feeling.” But in a hypnotic state the suggestion has the opportunity to bypass that Negative Nancy and you can accept that you really are feeling great.

States of Consciousness:

Waking State
Esdaile State (Coma State)
Ultra Height
Ultra Depth

Below is a brief description of each state.

Waking State
This is your normal state of consciousness.

Light and Medium States
Both of these states are not very useful, but direct suggestion can be achieved.

This is the working state of hypnosis and if a client can not achieve somnambulism out of fear or they are just unwilling, I give them their money back and send them on their way. With somnambulism you can achieve regression, chair therapy, direct suggestions, amnesia and analgesics.

Esdaile State (Coma State)
This is a fun state to be in, you are in complete bliss and you are so unaware of your body that you will hold whatever crazy pose that you are put in for however long you remain in the state. The Esdaile state is good to use on chronic pain sufferers to show them how hypnosis can eliminate pain, I then bring them into Somnambulism to give them the suggestions to remove their discomfort at will. The Esdaile State was nicknamed the Coma State because it feels so good that people would refuse to leave it.

Ultra Height
This is the newest state to be discovered and it is amazing, the hypnotist gets you there and lets you and (Someone or something - this is highly debated) do the work together, while the hypnotist sits back and watches. This state also can heal the body and many hypnotists prefer this state because it is so easy to use.

Ultra Depth
This State has around a 17 minute delay, so when the hypnotist tells you to open your eyes, he may end up falling asleep, while waiting for you to take your sweet time lifting those lids. When someone achieves Ultra Depth, their body turns blue and enters something like a suspended animation, while rapidly healing itself. When it was first discovered on a young girl the hypnotists thought he killed her and was in the process of calling the police when she emerged. This state is great for anyone who needs rapid healing.


Hacking The Brain – To Do Everything Better!

The Secret Life of a Hypnotist - Part One

The Secret Life of a Hypnotist - Part Two


How many can be achieved through hypnosis ? , @hypno

All of them. (Except the waking state because that is our normal state)

Can all of these states be self-induced?

My educated guess is that I reach Somnambulism when I meditate. I notice that I experience 3 to 10 second moments of experiencing "no identity"; pure silence of mind, but with a heightened awareness to all my senses.

Would the Esdaile State perhaps be the level that many supposed "Spiritually Enlightened" people achieve (and maintain throughout most, or all, of their waking existence)?

I've always trusted my intuition on using deepened states of awareness to heal myself and it has seemed to work wonders on me over the years. Within the first one or two months of starting my self-hypnosis and "silent meditation" therapies I noticed that my skin really cleared up (I had bad acne at the time) and my skin became noticeably radiant (I even got several compliments about it, which really motivated me to continue with my practices). I have since that time (about 6 or 7 years ago) been sick with only minor colds, perhaps only three times (I used to average getting 2 or 3, much more severe colds/ flu, per year). In other words, I'm convinced that hypnosis and meditation are very effective at treating health and immunity.

To answer your question, I don't know, I think everyone is different and some may reach deeper states of consciousness than others, but I wouldn't know without performing tests and the person meditating would have to use the critical factor in the brain to perform the test on themselves which would bring them out of somnambulism and that would defeat the purpose. So I wouldn't know if you are reaching the same levels, but I wouldn't rule it out.

Wow, this is so true!