Dealing with Hurricane Laura Aftermath (Part 2)

in #hurricane5 years ago

A little over 2 weeks has gone by since hurricane Laura has devastated the Southwest Louisiana area.

Few days after the storm hit I came back to my house see the damage. I didn't leave immediately after the storm because I knew there would be a lot of trees that would be down and in the way. Boy was I right!

Passing by all them homes that were missing there roofs and trees laying on there homes was making me sick. I have a few tall pine trees next to my house and I was worried that was going to be my case. There was so many power lines that were snapped and laying over in the road ways, it look like something in a movie.

My house was somewhat not as bad as I expected. There is several around me that has huge trees laying in there homes. One of my worst problems is my roof with missing shingles and a big sag in it.
Of course there are several water spots in my house where the rain water got in.


Them 2 pine snapped off midway and fell on my power line going to my house and pulled my meter off my house. My old '72 C10 has a roof rack now.

With all the cleaning up and dealing with insurance companies, this has by far been a horrible dream.

I left my wife and kids up in Oklahoma so they want have to deal with this awesome weather we have around here. It really sucks when you wake up because your generator ran out of gas at 4am and its 81°F but with the humidity it feels like 92°F. On top the cell phone service sucks and you can't connect to the internet. But I can make due with what I got. Just have to keep the generator going at night so I can have that window unit AC pumping cold air in my room! Also cold showers suck!

I gotta get back to my repairs now that the sun is up!



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