From a recent video blog I did,,
I finally feel support in speaking out about the abuses I was intimidated and shamed into submission for speaking about since the 70's. Not only is the Planet being destroyed but, the Healthy way the Human Body is meant to function physically, emotionally and spiritually has been desecrated . The Healthy way people are meant to relate to one another and the way Families; Parent, child, husband, wife, are meant to relate in healthy ways has been and Is being destroyed for Fake $.
I never thought I would feel so Isolated and an outcast by studying Healthy , fit relationship skills and simply trying to get people to treat each other better. I didn't think I would be such an outcast just trying to encourage people to Listen, to slow down,, to Be more Present, to give and live closer to the way Nature and health work.
I tried telling people starting decades ago,, about healthy relationships, Abusive people in power, to be fitter and have satisfying relationships it took exercise.
I'm hoping people are ready to learn what I've tried to teach for so long and felt like what I valued, others did not value. I clearly was more abused than others yet, they too, were Still not living as to their Fullest potential as they should have been.
The people accepted that they will Never reach the level that others have reached. As long as the people didn't DEMAND what was RIGHTFULLY theirs and accept living small and unhealthy while the Sociopaths take What belongs to the people, not just materialistically but, Psychologically, Things will continue to get worse!
THE PEOPLE ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE TO TAKE ACTION,, NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DO IT! The people bought into This Ponzi Scheme system. No one is supposed to look out for you but YOU,, You should be Raised to Be on your own and Not need any "authority". The Criminals have created a FAKE, Dysfunctional system and the people fell for it.
People Must admit It, Feel the Pain of Betrayal and Take Action. Like Any other Abusive relationship.