Women do Poo! Tmi...

in #humour7 years ago

OK so I normally don't do this and say this kinda thing public but I need to tell people this thing does work! At first I was sceptical.... But Air Wick V.I.Poo really does work.

How I know... Well I've used it an went to the toilet (you know what happens next) come out then my dad needs to go.... I didn't warn him or let him know what I just did. He goes to the toilet an then comes down. His words "Laura that perfume you sprayed upstairs when you got dressed spells lovely" ... Yea lol.

Then today, I've had a bit of a bad stomach where I then started getting my bad tummy ache in work (I do school cleaning for 2 hours a day), I don't like going to the toilet for that unless I'm home. So I try to hold it for 30 mins. The pain gets unbearable... I then need to go so I grab my vipoo from my bag, go to the toilet an spray it in the bowl. Go to the toilet an it's just gas... False alarm. So I open the door where then I'm greeted by someone who instantly starts smelling then her words "mmmm Laura that smells lovely". Yep so it definitely works lol


I would buy it, but I always smell like a rose ;) LOL