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RE: ADSactly Personal - Descent to Veganism

in #humor7 years ago

I tried it, once, and I just have to confess to myself that it's not for me, or at least, it wasn't at that point in my life.. It lasted a whole 3 days before I admitted to myself that I missed meat and all the other good stuff that comes with a varied eating habit.

Living of greens here in Denmark is actually a lot more expensive than meat in many situations and while I'm in the Philippines it's almost impossible without an iron will (or direct distaste for meat) since there is meat everywhere at all times.

Congrats to you on your project and best wishes moving forward :)


Uhhhhh. I live in the Valley that produces 85% of the winter vegetables for North America. It's probably going to be hard for me to plead 'lack of opportunity' :) It's about making a decision for my life going forward.