On job interview you bring this scissors with cable tie intact.
Employer: "Do you have experience?"
You: "Sir (or Ma'am depending on if it's a he or a she) I have something else that this business needs."
Employer: "Explain please."
You : "It is like this package. You must have a pair of scissors to cut the cable tie, but the only scissors you have is connected to the cable tie. How do you work out such a catch 22 dilemma? I think outside the box or in this case the package. (I pull out my pocket knife and cut the cable.) See you need me, cause I have improvising, think out of the box, amazing skills.
Employer: "I see what you mean can you come in on Monday?"
Lol..and this, my friends, is why boys carry pocket knives. Too funny @shauna27
On job interview you bring this scissors with cable tie intact.
Employer: "Do you have experience?"
You: "Sir (or Ma'am depending on if it's a he or a she) I have something else that this business needs."
Employer: "Explain please."
You : "It is like this package. You must have a pair of scissors to cut the cable tie, but the only scissors you have is connected to the cable tie. How do you work out such a catch 22 dilemma? I think outside the box or in this case the package. (I pull out my pocket knife and cut the cable.) See you need me, cause I have improvising, think out of the box, amazing skills.
Employer: "I see what you mean can you come in on Monday?"
You: "Yes, of course."