Hello again.... welcome to the crazy place.
Sometime around a week ago, I opened the drawer to reach for the toothpaste and .... it was gone? (enter quizzical raised eyebrow here)... ha ha ... but for real, it's always in the basket and it always goes back before the drawer is re-closed.
Toothpaste?.. .there is toothpaste in that photo you say and well.... there is, but I always have two kinds in there all the time and the one I use the most was gone.
I immediately looked all around the bathroom to see where I could have laid it instead, but no... nowhere to be seen. I checked the drawers below the one it belongs in too in case I had dropped it back into the wrong one, but ... NO....
So I carried on with the other toothpaste and added the now missing brand to my shopping list. Truly, it made no sense. I don't use my toothpaste anywhere else. Besides... I already knew how this happened, a poltergeist, no question.

About 4 days later after I no longer wondered what the poltergeist had done with it, I was at my desk, minding my own business or reading blogs on Hive and something caught my eye. What ? Is that the end of a toothpaste tube under that pile of papers???

Why yes ! ..there it was ! I know that had not been there for 4 days. I wonder where the poltergeist hid it during those days before putting it on my desk. Hmmmm ... I can't imagine.
You do know that poltergeists are the reason that old folks appear to start losing things and forgetting things don't you? It's a thing... It's been proven... somewhere... by somebody. Seems somehow they attach themselves to people as they age a bit. I guess we're easier to fool and mess with. They are mostly known to be friendly, but quite the avid jokesters.

You think I'm kidding .. .right ? I have proof right here that they come in and do my hair sometimes while I'm sleeping. See???? Mess like that can't just happen while laying still on a pillow.

Anyway, I took the stolen tube back to it's basket, but by that time it had been replaced by a newer, plumper tube. I hope that didn't make it sad.

So there you have it. This is just the lastest trickery that has happened around here. Oh yes, things like this have happened before, but I didn't think to come tell them all on the Hive... till now. 🤣
Ya'll are so lucky ! If you are too young now to have a poltergeist come hang out with you, don't worry, you'll get your turn. Yours is out there just waiting till you're ready.
It's Friday, it is supposed to be the start of the weekend, but it doesn't feel like it to me because I have to work some mandatory overtime tomorrow. Parden me if I complain about that every time it happens. LOL....
Hope you are all doing well.
Love ya !
Huh and I always blamed it on gremlins!?!
Maybe the gremlins and poltergeists have different territories.....LOL.....who knows ?!
Hello. You're gonna have to respond to me so I can vote it cuz apparently I'm an asshole who doesn't know how to get by sooner and now I can't vote your content. Boo!
Hello, again, it's still me. Sensodyne, eh? Yikes, I hope that's choice and not necessity. And is that block wall behind your hairdo inside your home? Ok, your turn.
Well.... since I have too, here I am . 😊
No worries about getting here sooner and voting and all that. I miss so many that I should see sometimes. I just can't keep up !... so I'm a bit random on getting around.
I tried Sensodyne after the covid mess started when I thought I was feeling one of my teeth whispering and didn't want to go to the dentist. I gave it some special attention and bought it some Sensodyne and that has kept it happy. Not sure if I still need it, but I just kept using it anyway.
That IS a brick wall behind my hairdoo. I had a fireplace in the living room and about two thirds of one of the living rooms wall was brick. I don't live there now. No fun fireplace anymore.
That's for stopping by !
You are welcome. Thanks for having me. I kinda like what you did with the place.
Thank you ! I've always been very good at eclectic.
Thank you. Do I need to start these sentences with thank you or is it just like your thang?
I am used to "thanking' when something seems like a compliment. I don't require it of myself, but it just comes out all over the place. You can just ignore it. I don't know if it is a thang or not....
Thanks for asking ! ahahahahahahahahaaha
I already favorited you, keep it up and I'll click follow and then we'll be all ha-ha buddy, buddy lol until I say something like only thing worse than a Trump supporter is a dentist in an off-road truck and you're jumping rocks in the desert in the middle of a route canal and I've never even voted, give zero fucks about politics, but love saying stuff like that cuz Trump supporters are so sensitive.
I mean, see what I mean?
You got it back! Perhaps your poltergeist is trying to prevent tooth decay. Ever think about that?
Snazzy hair! You just cannot make that up! :)
I guess... I mean, what use does a poltergeist have with toothpaste????
Gotta blame it on somethin.... right ?
Shhhh! We aren't looking for reasoning, we just want to cover our poltergeist's butt.
And thank goodness I have a new excuse for my kids when they claim I'm losing my mind. LOL! 🤣
But seriously. That's so weird. Toothpaste?
ha ha ...funny... right ?