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RE: Progress You Say?

in #humor8 years ago

The hemp quip was not meant to be funny. I do not smoke or eat pot, but the feral gumit has no right to tell folks that they can't. Ford made his vehicles from Hemp fiber. Both he and Diesel ran their vehicles on biofuel made from Hemp. Their car engines were not designed for gasoline.


Gasoline is an interesting substance. It is the waste product after you extract all the important parts of oil. So, it was cheap, especially here in The US where it was refined.

It also has a limited shelf life. Which made it an absolutely great way of controlling people. And Standard Oil made sure they were in control. Bribing car manufacturers; getting fuel supply hoses and gaskets made of certain materials that would dissolve in alcohol, etc.

This is going to take a lot of undoing to undo.
However, the car of the future is more likely to not exist.

An electric bicycle is worlds more efficient than any other transport.
But, what if there were four people in the car? Four electric bicycles are still worlds more efficient.
Also, the great urban blight is going away. The thing that was only enabled by the motor vehicle, is now a desolate and soul draining wasted expanse of asphalt. And they will be replaced by more compact, more walking friendly, more visually friendly cities.

JohnnRockefeller used his money made from selling whiskey to the "Union" army to buy up oil and create the trust monopoly centered around Standard Oil. He went forward because he envisioned how to make money off of distillery waste, as kerosene was the product.

Rockefeller developed Vasolene and then the entire Pharmaceutical Industry to be run on petroleum distillates, BEFORE the gasoline monopoly.