in #humility7 years ago


According to George Orwell’s boo the animal farm "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.” I totally agree with that statement more than anything. God intended that we should all be equal. In fact, we are all equal in God sight and that was why He gave us the same mandate to be fruitful, multiply and have dominion but man as usual in all his fleshy, carnal and evil way has perverted the intention of God. Blame it on the devil or blame it on humanity but man has never seen his brother or next neighbor as equal.

There has always been this competition to be the ruler over the others. Cain and Abel practiced it, Isaac and Ishmael did it, Esau and Jacob lived in it. Everywhere we are there is this unspoken strive to excel more than the others. We see it everywhere, we have been victims and we have practiced it as well.

There is no crime in wanting to be the best but there is a problem if the best uses his position to the detriment of others. Let me break it down; you are now the no 1 whether by election, nomination or appointment. That is okay and worthy of congratulations but if you use that position to abuse and infringe on the rights of others then there is a problem.

Sometime last year our madam in Lagos the honorable First Lady instigated the removal of the chaplain of Lagos state chapel because she wasn’t recognized. Maybe the Reverend should have given her honor as the first lady but ehen… the way she reacted and over reacted na wa to the extent to instigating his sack and throwing his kaya outside. No one offence you do not do that to a fellow human, No 2 to a cleric? What happened to the scripture touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. Shebi she is a deaconess,doesn’t she know that one.

When God begins to fight, we will say it is enemy from our household not knowing that we are the enemy of our self. She is the First Lady today she can be something else tomorrow. Nothing is certain in this life o my dear.

So, my take is wherever God has placed you please be humble. If man doesn’t recognize you, despite the fact that you are highly placed, God will. Beside who honour and recognition help? You will still be same height, same complexion and maybe with the same problem you had before the recognition. God gives race to the humble. If God sees that you can manage and subdue a certain height, He will take to greater still but if you show Him otherwise O.Y.O is your case o. Till we meet again.



This is really nice! Keep it up

Thanks. I am highly encouraged.