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RE: Humans of Steemit - An Interview With Heather on Healing, Ancestral Trauma, the Ailments of America, the Sun Dance and Grief Ritual, the Power of Fear, and Discovering Israel

Wow! This is really enlightening to be honest. Firstly, I am really shocked that a stranger told you all of this in the street. You must be really comforting to be around. I also find it crazy that nobody has cancer in Kenya so I learnt something new today. I do think meditation is a really good thing to do. Even if you don't do it as it should be done, this sort of thing really helped me just in the way that I would sit and think about things that I was doing that I didn't really give myself the time to think about before. It's important to really digest life and live it. Personally, this sounds like a great way to get on track. While reading this, I could not stop thinking about maslow's hierarchy of needs and the process of self-actualisation, so if anybody is reading this and is interested in meditation and trying to improve theirselves, maybe give that a look!

Anyway, really good and interesting post, thanks :)


Thanks so much for your words! I copied and pasted my "Humans of Steemit" intro from my last post and did not fully update how I am interviewing people. Last Sunday was my first "go" at interviews and I tried two methods - the first was finding random strangers in a park and the second was posting on Craigslist asking if any one wanted to meet up and be interviewed. Heather was one person that replied on Craigslist. Personally, from the few interviews that I did through each method, I like the Craigslist one better because they were ready to share and already in that space to open up. But yes - we were complete strangers and I was amazed at how much she opened up right away!
It is crazy to think about cancer as a "rich person's disease"! I had a yoga teacher who began our class telling his yoga story - his yoga teacher moved to the US from India and traveled around the US for 10 years to find the main ailments of the country and create a yoga routine to counterbalance these ailments. What she found in the US were cancer, constipation, and depression. It was super eye-opening to hear that!
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is fascinating, thanks for bringing it up and recommending readers to check it out :-)