I'm 36 in a couple of days and my mum was only talking about the heel prick test that was done on me when I was a baby the other day, only because my new born has had his done.
My thoughts about the heel prick on myself are like this.
if the heel prick was to find or catch something to do with me they did a very bad job of it as I have been ill most of my life and they didn't seem to know about it then or now.
My kids had heel pricks when they were born and I didn't want them to have it but was told it was a must.
I am in the UK so do you think that the same applys over here as it does over your way?
Yes it does. Here is a link on page 49 it says that they store it for 5 years...
I didn't see this reply I am so sorry I didn't get back to you.
I see thanks for the link, so my dna should be long gone now then. :)
No worries and I am glad you DNA is free and clear. It is a comfort for some to know that they do not have our DNA (mine is long gone as well ^^)
I don't think that them having my DNA is a problem because I don't want it haha.
If they really could detect them kind of problems maybe they could have stopped me from getting so sick over the past few years. don't get me wrong I am getting better now but you think they would have known.
You bring up a really good point that even I overlooked. Maybe they should have to provide proof of the testing that they are doing. You are not the 1st person that has made a statement about being sick later in life, so it does make me wonder what exactly are they testing for and is there a way that they can test for things that effect us later in life.
It's kind of scary to think that no one really knows what they are doing with it. if there was an oversight with my tests does that mean I can now sue for medical negligence.
I would like to think that what happened to me they could have stopped it in someone else.
don't get me wrong I am well now, just had a bad time of it from illnesses over my life.
You are right it is a bit scary. We have to rely on them to tell us what they are doing and telling us the truth has not been their strong point so far ^^. I am glad you are better now! I do know what it is like to have illness that last for a while. Now you have me wondering what are they testing for because I have had some family members that had issues that one would think should have been caught with such testing...
I don't know about the U.K. But I do know here (the States) they act like many things are a must but in reality (legally) they are not. Like vaccines for example (not arguing their efficacy or whether anyone should take them just using them as an example). The way they talk about them you'd think it were mandated, and the strongly suggest them. But in reality (depending on where you are at, they're cracking down on this in some states) it is not legally required. What's it like on the U.K. With vaccines and the like?
It's a must I believe, I might be wrong. but in the doctors there is signs up saying even if your kids have missed them they still have time to get them done.
They tell us its to cover them for certain illnesses but in fairness the illnesses they do say they are for are common to kill children if they did catch them.
My oldest didn't have the R out of the MMR jab, but my other 2 have had it done. but my oldest had German measles at the time of the jabs so that might have been why.
I was watching a documentry some time ago saying certain places in the world they live in small jungle villages and they never catch any of these and they live longer and healthier than what we do, It's only when the western man comes along and enters their camp is when they have problems.