Heart Coach for Humanity

in #humanity7 years ago

The mind of the Intellectual human being is full of unsuccessful theories and mental suppositions, which cannot lead us to anything positive. Modern intellectuals want to make a new world in accord with the fantastic model that they have built within their mind. Leader politicians with the purpose of gaining power make astonishing promises to the suffering and starving multitudes; however, once their ambition is satisfied, they broadly laugh at the expense of the public.
The world is in crisis and everywhere there are wars and rumours of wars, promises, bombardments and political parties that mutually combat each other. They are taking our spirits without seeing it.
Useless are the legal or illegal changes of governments, the bloody dictatorships, the revolutions of blood and alcohol.
If we truly want an absolutely radical change, then first of all, we need to change

ourselves individually.
What we are as individuals is what the world is. Indeed, the world is the individual, because the world is nothing more than the sum of all individuals. The problem of the world is the problem of the individual.
Thus, if the individual does not internally change, then the world will never change either,
If we study our intimate problems in detail, then we have to arrive at the logical conclusion that no leader can resolve these problems for us.

What I am, is in fact, the party, the group, the family, the society, the nation.
The individual is the beginning and the ending of every order of things. Thus, if we want a radical transformation of this bitter and suffering world, then we need each of us to individually transform ourselves in a true and very intimate way.
Darkness is never dissolved with hand’s blows, but with the light. Neither is the error dissolved by combating it with violence, but by teaching the truth.
When the law restricts the human being, then he looks for substitutes, for his own personal satisfaction. Those substitutes become vehicles of our own mistakes, hatred, egotism, jealousy, ambitions, etc..

If indeed we love humanity, if we want to cooperate in the initiation of this new era that is beginning, then it is necessary for an intimate and intelligent transformation to happen within each individual.
We must be sincere with ourselves and make a dissection of the “I” with the tremendous scalpel of self-criticism.
It is absurd to criticize the errors of the neighbour. What is fundamental to discover is our own errors and to disintegrate them based on analysis and very profound comprehension.
This is how we can dissolve the “I.” Only with the death of the “I” can we make a better world.
We need to liberate the mind from any type of evilness if we truly want to transform ourselves intimately for the good of the world. To OPEN THE GATE TO THE HEART!

It is absurd that human beings live in this form of social chaos with all of its fights and flights of miseries, IT IS TIME individually, to resolve ourselves to radically change. These changes are what Being Beatitude does! change the human behavioral mind ideas that controls one’s brain capacity into behavior of the heart with its heart capacity that is 5000 times stronger than the brain.

Time to wake up fellow Human Beings.

Being Beatitude.


Got u, I had liked on fb. Heart coach, fb needs more such. Here seems to many heart-broken yl's. I'm still learning to navigate here, if I remember, the follow icon is the little green arrow under bottom left, yes¿ 😀

Hello Simon thank you for your response steemit is another world than Facebook and i totally agree with what you are saying. you can go on a persons blog and you than can follow this person or you can up-vote the article or comment i just up-voted your comment and that is how it works. i am also new to everything on this platform i suggest to follow some people with knowledge about steemit just use the search bar like google to find your way and thank you again for your comments and likes Gratitude!!

thanks for sharing ....

thank you for responding ;)