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RE: All hail the Hoya.

in #hoya7 years ago (edited)

The flowers on a hoya plant are small and precise. Each blossom consists of five, waxy shiny like porcelain light-pink petals in the shape of a star. Some sporting a single droplet of nectar. The leaves may be furry or fleshy, shiny or matte, heart-shaped or oval, large as a plate or small as a penny. Varieties of the succulent flower have flowers of pink, yellow, orange and burgundy, not to mention white and near-black.

Hoyas are tree climbers that like fast-draining, almost soilless conditions. In the wild, hoyas can stretch 100 feet up to the canopy.

A hidden benefit if you can keep the plant happy indoors: Hoya carnosa is one of five "super ornamentals" that remove volatile organic compounds such as benzene and toulene from indoor air, according to a 2009 University of Georgia study.

Once you've got your hoya, it should be planted in a light mix, half perlite or vermiculite, and half potting soil. After the flowers drop, don't deadhead a hoya. Leave the spent flowers. The spurs where the flowers emerged will get a new flush the next year.

I adore hoyas because they are "surreal”. Each type has a different flower.

Text from multiple Google sources.