Sourdough is my favorite. I've got to try that pancake idea.
4th child - that's hilarious. At least you don't have to worry about sending this one to college! (Unless it spontaneously develops intelligence and demands to be let out of the fridge. Now there's a sci-fi idea.)
HHAHAAAAA!! What timing, I just received this message from a girlfriend on fb: "You guys can make a horror movie where you are trapped by a sourdough blob and must be saved by 100 chickens LOL"
Yesss!! Get making your starter, the pancake recipe is beautifully easy, and the best part of using extra starter for other baking is that it doesn't need to be proofed! So all your mistakes while waiting for perfect proofed starter to use for bread, can be used with these. Anything with baking soda, rises, the soda mixes with the starter and makes it double in size!!
2 cups starter (can be unproofed)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1TBSP Honey.
BOOM!! Best pancakes ever cause they don't have so many shit ingredients in it~~
I'd watch that movie - especially if it was done claymation style as a sequel to Chicken Run.
Bwa hhahahahaaaa the challenge would be making the plot last longer than 2 minutes, maybe we'll just have to do a funny movie trailer. :D