Thanks. Whenever I find a tip, I try to post it. I'm not exactly an expert on Markdown, but I've noticed that superscript and subscript have been particularly thorny points for me, and figured that it might be for others.
That one can help you with placing and centering images on your posts. I hope you like it. It's too old for curation, but it's a useful reference. Enjoy.
Thanks. Whenever I find a tip, I try to post it. I'm not exactly an expert on Markdown, but I've noticed that superscript and subscript have been particularly thorny points for me, and figured that it might be for others.
I have another article you might like, too:
That one can help you with placing and centering images on your posts. I hope you like it. It's too old for curation, but it's a useful reference. Enjoy.