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RE: 🌟Pimp Your Post🌟 A Beginner's Guide to making your Steemit posts LOOK AWESOME.

in #howto7 years ago

Hello and thanks carrieallen!
RE: “a few tens of years ago when the ONLY way to be seen would have to been to get published.”
Your remark brings that world back into my memory, and how right you are! If you have a big publisher or you already have a big name, marketing help will come along without a whole lot of cost for you. However, in this world, we either have to be clever marketers or to buy marketing support.
Most interestingly, the design of the reward system in Steemit more or less forces you to develop marketing and networking skills if you are to ever approach getting a decent number of dollars for each serious effort that you put in.

Finally, thank you for the invitation, which I think I will very likely take up from time to time with an offer to compensate you properly for your time. Here’s what I have in mind.

Most of my work is rather technical and the idea of putting in graphics comes up only when the graphics are statistical in character and are an essential part of the message that you want to convey. Consequently, the use of graphics that I see often here in Steemit, and which you demonstrate so effectively in your piece, is something with which I have no experience.

So from time to time, when I want to make my piece more appealing by putting in visuals that I would not normally use, I plan to call on you for your assistance on what would be good to put in a particular place, its design etc..

I should tell you, though, that I’m coming from another writing environment where my rewards are far greater than they are in Steemit, even though I generally get zero payment for a particular piece! Thus my posting here will be quite occasional, which is one reason I’ve decided that my focus here will be dialoguing one-on-one with people.



That's completely perfect.

My husband was the same way. He just didn't know what to do to break up all his words. Now, he's pretty awesome at it. 😃

Essentially, it's like putting each set of ideas (or single idea) into a section simply broken up with a picture that conveys the point. When we do this, it gives the brain a chance to stop, reiterate what was said (with the image) and be ready to start afresh.

The problem ( I find) with long sets of words, is folks tend to skim and jump ahead. If I can combat that with a picture here and there, ensuring more of my content being read/understood, I'm gonna do it. 😉

I think it's particularly important when trying to present more technical info to the masses. Of course, many smarty-pants🤓 will always love (and need) the more technical jargon.

I totally understand your 'rewards'. 😀

I'll be here Steemin' on. You may also email me, but we get reputation points for interacting on here... However, all of it goes in the blockchain... So email may be better for some things.

Note: It's the day before Hallowen. So I'm a Zombie...

You've put some very new ideas into my head about the strategy of inserting graphical elements (beyond my usual statistical charts) at the 'right' places to achieve specific pedagogical purposes, so thanks! I'll seek your coaching when I try that kind of communication!
