STEEMIT TIPS: F4F, upsteem ur revote, post randm chanellls, tag @everyone and all whlz!!! Free Lambos guarented! H2G. Wrtng epc 5hr pst for 28 fllowers.

in #howto7 years ago (edited)

Hey!!! Want F4F? Great. UV4UV? yeah? awesoem. We Lambo by thrsday. Reivew my psts? Dont hve to vote. Jst sya wht u think. ok? Much awesome. Lion pics + donkey ablls. perfct 4 u. Ok, have to go. UV me ok! I upsteem ur comment vote.

This is the best way to act on the platform...

Well, let me finish that thought. This is the best way to act on the platform if your goal is to make it as hard for yourself to grow as possible.

Epix rnts!

First off. F4F is a bad plan. Welcome to dead follower land. It's one thing if you're both in a channel designed for a social cause. "Hey, you wanna make sure dolphins get boners? Me too!!! F4F?" (that's a Tosh reference). Ok, that's like the one place where it's acceptable. Where it isn't acceptable is everywhere else. What kind of fair weather asshole follower do you think this person is gonna be? They aren't really intersted in your growth. They don't care about you or your content. They are thinking numbers and follower count. So, yeah, you got a follower, but when you go off to write that epx pst for 5 hours for your 29 followers you get 2 views. Those were the two that really cared about dolphin boners!

Don't be that guy!

So, don't walk into a general chat and drop F4F. Anyone that's been here for a week knows it's a dumb proposition and it doesn't really help anyone. You're just waving your hand in a crowd and saying "Hey, I'm an asshat lookin' for suckers! Are you one?"

Fre Lambos

Steemit takes work. You don't get there in a week. You can't start with nothing and no followers and no group from facebook or youtube and hope to come here and be a whale in a week. I know a few people that catch some whale votes on their first couple posts, but that's about it. Most people have to spend weeks trying to catch a post with 15 views and $2 in dank amps (post rewards). So, the people that are telling you how awesome it'll be if you do the things they tell you to do and it'll be easy quick cash... they're scamming you. Don't do it. You'll regret it and feel dirty and used the next day.

Post promotion

Whether you're working with @acidyo in steemit chat (when it's up... ZING) or if you're in one of the Discord rooms you're going to run into channels. Now I know you want to promote your post, but nothing makes you look like a bigger asshole then running into general chat and saying hey "upvote my dolphin boner post" as your very first interaction. It's even worse when you're doing that as a DM to dolphins and whales. If you're spamming you probably don't know anything about them. You probably don't give a shit about them and their wants. You probably just want the votes, influence, and interaction with followers that they took months to create and you want the benefit from after a whopping 3 days on the platform.

Look, if you find a channel that's titled "dolphin erection enthusiasts" by all means post there, but the general channel or something like a music channel isn't an appropriate place for the post. It doesn't make you awesome or cool for posting there. It makes you look like an extremely disrespectful asswipe that shouldn't be upvoted, shouldn't be followed, and shouldn't get free lambos.

Fastest way to catch shit on the platform

This is probably too strong of advice for the trolls in this place, but if you want to make an entire group mad and ruin any chance of getting support from like 100 people at a time drop the @everyone or @here command. You're likely to catch flags for days. Thought it was hard getting anywhere on the platform with a 25 rep? Try it with a -7 and a couple of pissed off whale accounts flagging everything you make. It's just dumb.

You got your shitty follower group and posts in the wrong spot. Now what?

Obviously you should spend 6 hours writing your masterpiece. You should go into a cave with a typewriter and write your masterpiece. No one has ever had that same thought about SBD price increase/decrease/problem/solution/value before. You are a unique snowflake and you should put it everywhere on the platform you can think of. Then you should go post it on every facebook page and reddit/subreddit in the world. @everyone will love you. Free lambos right around the corner. Then you find out that only 4 people viewed it, and 2 clicked on the wrong post. You're sitting there all pissed off that this place sucks and no one votes your content.

what should you actually do?

Number 1 thing you can do is make friends. Friends that share similar intersts will read your posts, suggest fixes, offer resteems, and make introductions for you. They will help you find tools and communities to support you. They'll make this journey easier. The best way to do this on the blockchain when you're starting is to comment on posts you like from authors with similar interests. "Cool post" won't get you far, but a gif/meme or a thoughtful comment can easily catch a big vote or get a follower who actually appreciates you. When you get a couple hundred followers then it's time to switch gears to writing more and with all those friends you'll actually get some traction.

What if you wanna do something offline? Discord, facebook, and some other places have social groups. I manage the Minnow Support Project and know that the number one way that Minnows stop being minnows is to make friends. Turns out the fastest way isn't by shoving your posts at them, but instead to just say "hi" ask questions, and at least fake genuine interest for a while.

When talking to whales

Please don't link a post and say "hey review this." I know what you're doing. It isn't cool. You're not tricky. You're not fooling me. In fact it makes me think you think I'm an asshole that can't figure out what you're doing. You don't know anything about me. If you did you'd know I don't really care about Dolphin erections. So, when you push that post at me I'm inclined to think you're a dick that should be avoided. If you realize that I'm all about helping minnows it's better to start with a post like "Hey @aggroed, I saw that you run a big Discord group all about supporting minnows. I have a great idea that I think will help them? Have you ever thought about hosting a dolphin erection party? It's a great social cause and I think it could help minnows!!!"

See, that's at least interesting... I mean what the fuck is a dolphin erection party? I've never heard of that. I'm at least willing to have 1 more sentence of conversation about it, but if all you do is non-consensually shove your post in my DM feed I'm gonna get cranky. I don't know you, I don't know your content, I don't know why I should care, and I don't know how you're helping me do the shit I think is important. Now I have to look at your message so it'll go away and then I have to figure out if it's worth flagging you into oblivion.

See this place is as much about you as it is your content

People supporting posts are often supporting authors. The content might catch them the first time, but after that it's often about the friendship and wanting to support your buddy. I don't want a stranger coming up to me and hitting me with a 15 SBD contest for shit I don't care about asking me to review it and resteem it especialy when it's already 4 days old with 3 views. But come to me in Discord, talk about what you're passionate about, and tell me how you think you could help other Minnows an you're gonna get my attention. It's not that I hate contests. It's that I don't like spending my precious time only on self centered people.

Catching flak

The last time I did a snarky post like this I caught a little flak from folks that thought I've changed and become shitty. I spend about 6 hrs a day helping minnows grow. There's about 1400 of them in the MSP channel. What I'm doing is showing you what works and what doesn't. If you think I'm wrong go right ahead and actually do the shitty things in the title. Let me know how it goes. I'm sure you'll get fre Lambo by snday.

There are 2 pages

This kind of advice should be found by all newbie so they wont make the wrong move from the start.
Most minnow just want the reward and forget about creating a good content.
Thank you for your advice

for sure, whan I came here and saw @stellabella posts with 4 diggits dollars and after checking her account my first idea was I need to gain followers by any price (thanks god to twitter and instagram)

@aggroed 's posts should be sent autoatically as a reply for all #introduceyourself posts

Nice idea. Should be post on the comment for every first post by a bot.

Good advice! Thank you :)

I just posted a little about who I am (posted below). I'll take any more personal advice if you are so inclined. I have been at this but I haven't found my niche yet

Now that's a gif I can support! Nice to meet you!

Liked your continued dolphin referencing, thought it was definitely relevant. Nice to make your acquaintance

Makin' friends with dolphin dick jokes. Just like momma told me to do.

Haha @aggroed and @dickdeepdog you guys made my day !!! LOL the above git and dolphin dick jokes..haha..enjoying this platform!!!Keep it up

Great gif! Try doing the same with a whale and you will be crushed. ;)

OMG I have such dolphin boner! Free lambo party at @aggroed's house? Swag 420 yolo dank f4f fam.

Dude, how did you guess my I thought that was unbreakable.

Should have used the "generate random password" option

What was I thinking...

Dude there are some things I don't know and don't want to know. Can't you see I'm over here having a dolphin boner sword fight with @aggroed at our lambo part?

You're right, you're right. It's either pants off or get the hell out. I understand. Carry on.

Wherever I put my nose I see you! Just glad there's that chick in the picture too :D

It took me 15 mins to realise there was a car in the picture.

she's photoshopped. SHe aint' a real person.

A mere technicality.

@aggroed This made me laugh! Hehe.

I am not going to link any of my posts to you so keep reading =) I have been a member of the PAL group for some time now, I admit I am not as active on there as I should be. I prefer keeping my chats in the comments. My channel is heading more and more in the direction of helping minnows and teaching them some basics of the steemit platform. I do get a lot of upvotes and responses from them. 350+ upvotes on one specific post. The sad thing is, minnows are minnows. Their power is not as great as the rest of the steemit community. Thus my 350+ upvotes are only worth around $30 usd.

Is there anyway I can get some more support from other users on my efforts of helping out? I mean I really do like writing posts that put things simply, but the payout still gets me down at times. I have made peace with it though. Was just wondering, how can I get more support on this? I am thinking of doing a minnowbootcamp on everything minnows need to know (the basics: Voting power, editing tips, how to mention your source, what to do with your SBD etc etc. ) any ideas or advice?

Kind Regards, and much love for your posts.


yeah. sounds cool. wanna do it in MSP. I'm looking for people to host 1hr sessions on helping other people. it helps us grow. Gives you good exposure. and slowly gets folks used to using the voice channels. I see you in there. I'll support you.

@aggroed Deal! Let's get this party started! I am at work now. I will message you when I get off and we can discuss the details. I can do an hour a day for sure.

nice blag psot i upsteem you right know bruvz !i!i!!1!

I like straight honesty. Much appreciated. We minnows dont want to annoy anyone here, so its good to know

Thanks for preventing us from being a pain in the ass

A shining torch ... Follow it.. and you won't fall.... Nicely written @aggroed. Already following you... But it deserves a resteem.

Reading this post.... It's like speaking with a buddy.

"I don't like spending my precious time only on self centered people." -> one line explains all.

Our content should add value to the community.
When you respect the platforms and community, they save us and respect back.
It's all simple.

Actually, you @aggroed made it so simple and straight.
As a minnow, I really like your thoughts and your support. You do this for a cause, helping people grow and finally adding values

One thing I would like to say, minnows are being guided wrongly by some big players. I can't say the exact names of them, because I really loved their work here apart from their statement about Steemit.

All of their versions concluding one -
"it's all easy earning on steemit. Don't stop upvoting and commenting. Promote your posts as much as possible on steemit via comments, tagging.. If not today, one day you will be on your way to become whale" I think this is misguiding new comers here.

There is nothing like free anywhere, it's all about truly earning. It might be support, upvote or it also can be a Lamb, I mean "free lamb"

Yeah. I think there are whales promoting this bullshit. IDK any specifically, but something has to be driving this. We've gone through expansions without this much idiocy. Maybe I'm just seeing more cause I got more followers. I don't know but it's getting nuts.

Nice thoughtful comment Chandu.

I don't see "find people on discord and eggplant emoji at them" on your list. Does that mean I have to give my lambo back? 😭

Joking aside, the amount of F4F spun comment bot spam is exploding, but no bot can makes jokes and take comfort in idle conversation with another. Love always wins!

You are right.

It is really bad here lately LOL.

Hence why this pst cot mie I.

Have a #F4F week my man!!


Steem On!

I get a @barrydutton comment on two posts this week! I'm #blessed. I feel like my footprints are all over this platform, but I'm second tier to you man. I know what it takes and I honor that commitment. Namaste.

I have been thinking of messaging you.

I have seen your work and quietly UV your posts the last while, watching your fun way of also building community and helping people.... things I try and do daily here.

I think I am going to vote for your witness.

You are a hard friggin worker.

I do not have the votes and support you do but your comments today showing me respect, kinda sealed the deal.

Kindness work.

Thank you.

I'd be honored. Thanks Barry! Doing my best to help this place out. It has so much potential! I do work my ass off. Thanks for recognizing that. The world is currently broken and it's not going to fix itself.



That's why the state hates me, check out my name or videos online some times, I put my money where my mouth and wallet are for years, calling them out and trying to wake people up.

You are my last available witness vote, so I am full now, and likely should clear a bunch out that are not doing anything for us, or replying to comments like you do along with helping people.

Good luck my man. We all can use some help and good things and encouragement in life. Most of us do not get enough of any of it.

Well, that's awesome and I'm very grateful. I'm on Steemit chat and Discord in palnet, steemspeak, and whaleshares. You "ring" and I'll gladly take the call.

I saw the first first paragraph and was wondering who I follow that would talk like that.
Well played. You got me lol.

Very good post indeed that will help new members like me and old members too. Its time we make steemit work for all of us the way it should and that is to put in work, respect and patience..this is no rich quick HYIP scheme rather a social network platform that pays generously if you put in effors through constant good contents, relationships and hardwork. Thanks @aggroed and hey, where and how can I get the beautiful lady in your post, am in love !!! haha

Thanks for this inciting information it will really help the new members. Making objective comment on someone content is sure way to grow fast here, when I was very new, I use to tell people to visit my blogs, but I later realized that is not the cool way to do it. I changed my strategy. I have to make friends first, support the community members in my little way. This your write up has really open my eyes, and encouraged me to continue in my new strategy for growth. Keep the good work. I appreciate.

rock on. Come visit us in the Discord channel. You seem cool.

You read my mind. Except the dolphin erection stuff, that's definitely more your style.

Glad to see you're still finding time to keep it real!

Gotta give you props @aggroed

Let the F4F have it!

Better they learn NOW than LATER...


Great advice, but let me ask you something @aggroed when is the dolphin erection party happening?!?!? lmaooo

It's a fair question. When I started asking myself what is a dolphin erection party I thought it might have staying power. If the party lasts more than 4 hours we might have to call a primary care physician.

HAHA we can have one on standby lol

Lemme know what you need to help the Spanish channel grow. Be sure to reach out to @efrageek. he's got a community to tend to already but I think MSP is a good home for them.

Yes, I am in there every day interacting with the people. I sent a DM to @egrageek the first day letting him know. Thanks, so far it is going well. If i need anything or run into trouble You will be the first to hear about it. Thanks @aggroed :)

Thank you for the good advice. Love your content.

thanks harry.

i had to come back for this

Those "Hey UV my post!" people really grinds my gear lol Also +1 for the Tosh reference.



I see your bojackhorseman and I give to thee will smith.

I appreciate the comment about waiting until I have a couple of hundred followers before spending a lot of time on writing posts.

no followers=no views = frustration

Spot on. Beg borrow or steal doesn't work anymore. The strategies of smart work pointed here really makes sense.

Not gonna lie, i scrolled past this initially because of the title. But glad I checked it out.

Youre lucky if you get voted by whales a week after joining. You are right, its not easy actually. People should not expect too much, we just need to enjoy platform and somehow, we will be given chance to shine.

yeah. Chill. Make friends. it'll all work out, but you might know that better than me Mr. Rep = 69. #repenvy.

But your wallet is far better than me :)

Alll you gotta do is work full time, have a family, and devote 40hours to this plaec a week and you can do it too! Lambos in no time!

Since I lost my job few days ago, I will be spending so much time with steemit :)

Sorry boss. Don't wory. Lambo thursdy.

Its alright. Everything happens for a reason.

I'm still a redfish and even I'm getting some of that crap coming my way! Unbelievable. You guys must get more of that than real comments! Flagging will end it real quick though!

No, cause it's like the first line of attack of so many minnows on the platform. As long as this place is growing I'm going to get a tickle my nutz contest for 5Sp in my DM inbox.

You lost me on that answer.
Are you being sarcastic about the contest?
First line of attack? Do you mean they are cutting their teeth at trying to get noticed and doing these things? Obviously they didn't read the introductory welcome post and follow its links to the etiquette page. Those who take short-cuts deserve a hard lesson. Put in the effort and reap the rewards.

Coddling the kids in school these days has produced a bunch of entitled young adults that will suffer for it. Coddling them here will not help them in the long run.

No, it's just that everyone figures out that contests are a fun way to get attention. You give people shit and maybe they'll interact with you. The challenge is that every minnow on teh platform seems to think I hsould give them 25SBD to support their contest. MSP related? I got money for that! Random contest that you want me to resteem as your first interaction with me? Fuck off.

You give people shit and maybe they'll interact with you.

Are you saying that people give you shit hoping to get you to like them? That sounds absurd.

And why should you or anyone give them money for their contests? I'm aware of some money that was offered a while back in order to distribute to minnows, but that's different when someone offers you to help them distribute it.

MSP related? I got money for that!

Sorry, to me MSP stands for Medical Services Plan. I'm pretty sure you meant something else. Care to clarify that?

Minnow Support Project. It's the 1400 person Discord group I run with the intention of helping minnows grow. We control a 110k SP bot that runs around and upvotes us.

OK, I understand now. Sorry for taking so much of your time.
Good night and keep up the good work! I'm not taking advantage of the MSP, but I have been following all of the effort you put into it. I also appreciate your goals and how you speak up for the underdogs.

Woops... I should have known that!
Now I need to re-read what you said about it.

Truth, brother! Love this.

If I see another @everyone in discord I will die. My OCD just can't take it.

Resteeming for my noobs


You see peeps abusing @everyone lemme know and I'll put them in the troll box.

Hehe! Will do.

What about morons who keep inboxing me their posts - hey man, wanna check out my new post? LIKE, NO! I do not! How about a "hello, first?"! grrrrrrrr!

Yeah. Exactly. "Excuse you? Ummm, you don't know me!"

omgggggg. I had to give some dude a how to on everyday manners.


step 1 - Hi, my name is MewMew, and i like cats and pot


Not - hey guy check out my post... like UV4UV huh?? F4F hey?


Yeah. This is steemiquette 101

That shit is the reality indeed,
Being new in the community we are all rushing towards follower rather than engagement and this is the same thought i had when people were like f2f in the groups n channel, i knew having more subscribers doesn't mean visibility but just a fuckin +1 in the follow count n not in the views.

One more thing that has been come into practice is to tag all the fucking follower in every post you make n i have been getting some of these notifications which is really annoying n which leads to unfollow instead.

We need to understand its not about getting but giving, Giving a post that audience would love , Giving some great advice to newbies ( like you did here ).

And about whales i believe some of them are really generous n willing to lend a hand to newbies by endorsing a give away and shit
@instructor1234 is top in my list :P

Success or no success but the Journey any side will be hell of a ride .

I can't find it, but there's a post about giving a gift or joke to your audience instead of trying to take soemthing from them. That little tweak changed everything. I'm sorry I dont' remember the video, but the message of tweak your approach from service to self to service to others and watch how the world changes.

Good times!

But @aggroed if we F4F we can both have free Lambo and if we say nothing but good things peolpe will like us and UV cause no feels have been assaulted. On a real real note however personal growth takes work and sometimes that work causes pain and pain is weakness leaving.....well you know the rest. Loving the real talk that you place in your posts....keep on keeping on.

Well, this advice is really a masterpiece for newbies. As I am a newbie here, I read this information with keen interest because I know it can help me a lot to get exposure on steemit. They are like do's and don't on steemit.
Thanks for sharing it.

Great post :) I actually like how you presented this. It's also the first time I have ever heard the word "tosh." I definitely agree with a lot of your tips. Methods like following people with the hopes that they would follow back which are extremely common on Instagram and Twitter typically do not work here. Even if they did work, those who follow back often do not engage.

The same thing happens with leaving short comments where it's obvious the person did not read the content you published. I have seen that many times on Instagram typically from bots that target specific hashtags.

yeah, all useless. Tosh is Daniel Tosh from the Comedy Central Show Tosh.0. Very funny. he's a giant dick, and he's very funny.

I definitely have to watch some of that guy's shows then. Would you say he's funnier than Dave Chappelle?

Different. He's got internet bits. I don't know. He's like Dave Chappelle for white male hetero netizens.

Wow! Tell'm like it is sir! @aggroed You went dark there for a bit, but having been here just over a month, I can see your wisdom coming through on this post. It should be obvious to anyone that's been here just a few days and did some research on what not to do. Thanks for this amazing rant!

I just got my Lambo in the mail bros... tits legit

It took me almost longer to comprehend the title than to read rest of the post.

Posts like this should be mandatory to read for all new users (and some of the old ones too).

I got some really nice tips, like I didn't know about that @everyone and @here commands. Now I'll finally get all these followers and free lambos and whales upvoting my every post, comment and reply and telling me how awesome I am.

One thing which is sadly missed by many is that amount of followers is not alone a good indicator how many people will likely see your post. Some are trying to follow everyone and when they follow 500-2500 people, they are likely to miss your post. If you'll get some more focused followers, they'll be more likely to see your post. And you don't usually get those devoted followers by posting "hey follow me and I'll follow you!!"

yeah. You got it! Nice to meet you!

It's nice to meet you too :)

I don't always check who writes a post which I read, but as I don't follow very many people, I'm always surprised who replies in my comments. "Wow, what a cool transformer"

I cried when he died. I did when I was a kid. I'm scared to watch again because I'll probably cry as an adult now too.

You shouldn't watch it again, as you'll most likely cry more than when you were a kid.

Or maybe that's why you should. Feelings are a nice thing.

I love the new movie Inside Out. There's one scene I'm crying at every time, even though I don't think I would have cried when I was a kid. It's more big emotions as adult and seeing things in an even bigger perspective which may cause crying more. And it's a good thing.

Great post outlining everything that's wrong with Steemians these days, especially newcomers (minnows). I think some of them really don't care, and will do whatever they can to get ahead. Be it, use bots to spam people, comment one word on every article, or have those hashtags of F4F, etc. People like to take the easy way out because that's what they're used to. In a world of instant gratification, they don't want to work hard and wait, they want it now. Too bad the truth hurts, and they'll be hurting more after they're flagged. Great post as always and keep spreading the truth.

Teach a minnow how to swim, good; but teach a minnow how to not swim, Super awesome great!!!!

Peeps need both. It's like the carrot and the stick.

Word! I will admit that I joined the Discord group and at first, tried to work the whole F4F channel the first few days. It wasn't worth it. Since then, I've spent more time in our General chat and its actually been amazing. So many cool personalities and friendships made already, not to mention REAL followers. Keep speaking the truth, friend. I'll keep reading it! Cheers.

We got a reformer. @doggedfi's 4f4 sins have been absolved. We welcome you back with open arms. You are now the messenger. Always good to see you in Discord bud. Thanks for helping in there!

Thanks man! Appreciate all your support on MSP as well as my own posts!

patrick stewart gif.gif


Jean Luc, may he rest in peace....

Yeah, um, he's not dead.

Haha nope he's still a beast. Actually saw a picture of him not long ago and he was ripped!

wow dolphin erection channel gotta check that out.

Or whats worse is someone putting a super shitty comment in a story that has absolutely no relevance, or a link to some unrelated article. Then EVEN worse is not even upvoting the original story.
Rant over :) Love your work as always.

yeah. Fucker's dropping on my wall cause it's a hawt post dropping their own account or some rando post to follow. It's like working at McDonald's and dropping your mix tape in the kid's happy meal. WTF are you doing?

Good analogy. you got me thinkin'

haha, brilliant analogy.

this is hella funny. "dolphin erection party" lol. On the serious note, enough with using @everyone FOR REAL.

yeah. I'm gonna start flagging bitches for that. Come at me brah!

@aggroed Amazing post! Please share more posts like this! Your very helpful for me! Thank you !!!

Good article. I must be getting old as I have no idea what half that crap at the beginning means :)

Just squint a little and read it outloud like you have almost no command of the English language.

Ill come back tonight after a bottle of wine and give it another go! Its half six here, so a little early for that!

Why stop at one bottle?

Good point!

F4F is the most failure way
you just need followers that are interested in what you provide

We thank you!
No meme today. still dealing with my back,and meds...
I know better than to rush it or I'll be down for weeks, so I'm taking it easy for a few days. forgive me if I miss something!
I hope you have a great day!

Hey @aggroed, I saw that you run a small Discord group all about supporting whales. I have a great idea that I think will not help them? Have you ever thought about hosting a dolphin liberation party? It's a great social cause and I think it could help minnows go get multiplied!!!

This is all I could think about while reading this

You're welcome!

I've noticed a flood of people that just go around and place random comments in random articles that have zero to none synergy... Last time I made a post about my life and some dude just said "Awww Illuminati you are awesome I follow you", just because the picture is a pyramid with an eye.
It's sad to see people get flags honestly even if they spam, they are still adding to the platform.

Ok I understand, but where is the Lambo you promised me, hahaha

There are 2 pages