There's a little thing on this platform called rep. It's not built on the blockchain. It seems like a bit of an after thought, but as it turns out it's one of the most important factors to keep this place chill. A friend of mine wrote a thesis for college. The title was something like "Who's taking it up the ass now Faggot; a discussion on internet gaming chatrooms." You see constant flaming in nearly every other social media platform, but not this one. In this one people are mostly respectful and those that aren't you kinda don't really see it...
Cause those fuckers got flagged.
and now their rep is negative. And now you can't see their posts. And now people don't support them. And now they're kinda fucked, because if you thought it was hard climbing with a rep of 25 imagine what it's like with a rep of -7.
So, people are nicer here. I also think it stops paid government shills because if they start causing trouble by brewing up shit they'll catch some serious flags.
Good intentions
The other thing to note is that most people on here have good intentions. There's been 1 scam I've seen here and it got shot down in a day. People are otherwise supportive, helpful, kind, and tolerant. It's a pretty amazing culture. Something about using a click of a mouse to create wealth that's easily transferable makes for an abundance mindset. People help each other here. It's pretty amazing.
That said it can be hard not to get a little heated at times when you're arguing about shit you're passionate about.
One example along these lines
@liberosist and I don't really see eye to eye on most things. I'm a hardcore truther, conspiracy theorist, and hater of just about everything our government is currently doing. I don't trust big pharma and think their medicines are poison. There's a lot that I've come to see as bad. I think he's either apolitical, agrees with the state, doesn't care for these thoughts, or maybe even thinks they're bad for the platform. I haven't spoken to him directly, so I don't know for sure, but those are some of my perceptions.
Now take HF 19. We're arguing about that. He's coming from a curation is incredibly important standpoint and is trying to do everything in his power to improve that. I'm coming from a minnow perspective and trying to improve that. We're both fighting for what we think is best on the platform and we both have different opinions on what should be done to make it better. We both have strong opinions so we've had a few arguments on my wall. This is less about right and wrong and more about equilibrium and balanced needs along with different perceptions and perspectives.
Is he wrong? Tough to say... I think HF 19 will be bad and I think he was a strong proponent of it. Maybe I'm wrong. Is he an asshole who should be flamed. Not a fucking chance. He does a shit ton of work on the platform and you've probably benefited from it at one point or another even if you don't realize it. This isn't a pissing contest where only one of us can be good for the platform, and since we both seem to be intelligent people we can both benefit from the conversation that we're having. So, if anything, I salute him, and appreciate the thoughts, and will continue to try to see things from his perspective as an incredibly active curator thinking about getting everyone else involved in curation and making that better.
It's important to remember that a lot of these people put in hours a day for at least a few years to try to make this place awesome.
That's why the morning after arguing with him I made this post.
The person is awesome. I may disagree with these particular thoughts, but the person is awesome and great for the platform.
Back to shit sandwiches
A shit sandwich is critisim dropped in the following format
- Compliment
- Constructive thought
- Compliment
See the compliments form the bread. The constructive thought is the shit.
You want to help people on this platform and that sometimes means nudging them in different directions. So, you need to say something along the lines of "hey @whoever, I really liked what you just posted about X, I noticed that you miscredited the work to @ididitallalong so please fix that, but I'm really looking forward to your next post."
See how gentle that can be? that's good feedback wrapped in some compliment bread. That guy might even catch an upvote from the post author. If you just drop in and say, "hey asshat you got that thing wrong." You won't get the upvote, you won't make a friend, and you might even catch a flag.
So, while you're out there in the Steemit world trying to coach one another or argue please just keep in mind that lots of us are trying to help this place grow, it's ok to have different thoughts about how to do that best, and at the end we all benefit with a good culture so please do you part to make it one.
If you happen to catch a shit sandwich eat it with grace.
Also digital pictures as gifts in the comments section to people seem to make them come back... if that's important to you.
One last thing. Do me a favor and go into general in steemit chat and ask @acidyo to make an aggroed channel. He's reluctant, but the minnows have started asking for one.
We should tattoo this on newbies heads and our own as well. Great, forethoughtful advice for all crypto, not just Steem.
that's a big upvote. $119
I know right? Not sure how I feel about the new system, even if it advantages me, but will give it time and see how the economy adjusts.
It's a little scary if you can just run around upvoting your own conent for $100 every time you click...
Yeah, I've been testing it out to see how much voting power it burns, answer is not much.
Why is voting yourself worth $90, but voting someone else is less than $5?...
Why are certain posts "worth" $3k when most aren't "worth" $2? What should a post be "worth?"
Excellent read and owning it all. I like how you roll. 😎
I imagine a ton of steemians can and will benefit from this post.
Sometimes, you've been given or made your own shit sandwich.
No matter which way you slice it, it is a....
So you have to know how to take it down.
Excellent example and post here @aggroed !
Yes, it is great place to hangout, but still there is money involved and people can get either hypocrite or jealous. Hard to find sincere dialog here. But still, there is no better platform than STEEM in the whole Internet space and we are doing great as community.
Come join us in Discord. We need good advocates for this place to help onboard noobs/minnows.
How to find you on Discord?
I much prefer the community here than anywhere else because many other sites on the Internet can get very childish very quickly. I've found heated debates don't really happen as much though here and really they are essential to push and pull people's belief systems. This is probably because many people are all slightly in fear of losing money and rep by getting downvoted whether that is rational or not. That's why I have enjoyed your debates with liberosist, it's good to see the passion you both have!
This is a constructive tought of Steemit, but I think we shouldn't flag people for flaming rather upvote them, still a good post and will be looking forward to your next one. Lol. Joke aside, Steemit is a great community, this kind of collective mindset can't be found anywhere else out there on the internet. Every day I get to read about so much diverse and interesting stuff that it's mindblowing, in a positive way, of course. Imagine how it will look like when Steemit goes 1m users, it will be a continent of quality content on the internet. :)
Thanks aggroed, great post. I really like the way you treat the issue without judging a guy and saying bad things about it. It is ultimate this kind of discussion will make steemit stronger and improve everyday, it just mean people who care to make it better and therefore discuss with strong opinion. I tip my head to all of you guys.
Great post! I love steemit because of me many of the aspects that you pointed out in this post. I am fine if people disagree with my views or writing as long as they don't take it to a personal level. As you pointed out, I think that most people have good intentions and the my just differ on on our approach.
objective views are the spice to the sauce key word objective
This platform is really amazing.
Your post too is great you know@aggroed and it deserves an upvote I have not been here for long but i can say i love what i have seen so far when i read posts from people like @kingscrown and when i read through the comment section of the post, how people nicely express their thoughts and appreciation for the post, its really warms the heart...
The rep system is keeping the spam heads and RT rich quick with spamming ideas at bay.
Rep is something wonderful here and it gives a slight boost.. I think that more benefits should be added to stimulate rep gain.
Much love
A great explanation in my opinion @aggroed. What do you mean by "paid government shills"? Did not quite understand that bit. I hope that the way Steemit is built will keep the levels of saltiness where it is at the moment, close to zero!!
Governments and corporations employ people to act as astroturf. It's meant to mimic a grassroots movement in the direction they want people to go, but it's all professionally manufactured content by people paid to post it.
I love the term "astroturf" for these people.
know of someone getting paid to sway she has 42 blogs on "F" and gets paid for "opinions" I won't be telling her about steemit since she carries no opinion of her own.
Thanks for helping new users sort out the hierarchy. One of the first things I noticed was the tricks and schemes needed to get noticed by the whales or how to buy upvotes. The other thing is in the past few months there are so many new people, many of us tend to support each other, sure our votes don't mean much, but we also tend to comment without any incentive to whale-ass kiss and many of the new members are putting out some amazing, original work, I don't know if they will keep that up if no one reads their posts or they may just lose interest. It could also happen this new round of members will move as a block to carry more weight, but with whales exponentially gaining power, how could anyone catch up. and yes people are very nice around here. You helping the mom who got her food money stolen was spectacular, you should receive the first Steem philanthropy award!
She's a nice lady. Totally worth it. i have a feeling she's going places on Steemit. <3 to @ancientmystique
You've taken a stance while respecting the other person's reality, and that shows character and maturity. Wonderful post!
They're a great person. Easily done.
seriously great writer! valued your thoughts
Thanks sound! I appreciate you taking the time to read my posts. You're swell.
The generally respectful nature of debate here is one of the things I love most. I've essentially given up posting anything on Facebook other than pics of my kids. I can't post the sorts of things I do here, for example about peaceful parenting, without people coming out of the woodwork to call me an asshole for not hitting my kids because everybody knows a lack of ass-whuppings is what's wrong with the world lol.
I actually followed the exchange you posted here and was thinking how incredibly beneficial it is to onlookers when people can disagree agreeably like they do here. Rather than focusing on who gets in the most clever pot-shots, we're able to actually glean important information and draw reasoned conclusions based upon it.
Thanks for helping keep it classy 😉
Hizzar coming from an abused childhood I refused to hit my kids. My parents criticized me on my parenting skills. We used an open dialog with them and no matter how their lives have turned out it was all their own choice. Oh yes I never let them stay with their grandparents EVER.
My debate partner is exceptional. Keeps me from lookin' terrible.
I personally like the idea of having a rep as it helps to ensure that Steemit is filled with content that is original and avoids it being filled with the kind of shit that you see doing the rounds on facebook. I have yet to get into a heated debate about anything but have found fellow steemians to be kind and respectful.... I love that. I do think that rep can be lost too easily but i like the challenge of building mine and finding original content. I love steemit. I love being in contact with people from all over the globe. I true representation of diversity and originality. Im a new fan and following your blog xxx
Welcome! Glad to have you here! Come meet your Steemit family in Discord!
Ahhhhh, you smell that?? Nothing like the smell of unfettered free market values in the morning 💩💩 . No regulations, no central control, just pure incentive driven community, where positivity and a sense of kinship reigns supreme. Where criticism is constructive, not viciously damaging. Loving it so far, hoping my cred starts to rise! Cheers on a great post @aggroed . Have a great Sunday!
Thanks boss!
My pleasure! Looking forward to more posts from you. I am also a truther, kind of funny how the paradigm is so to make wanting to know the truth a bad thing. I listen to Infowars on a daily basis.
interesting post , and i will ask @acidyo to make an aggroed channel, we the minnows need it.
General chat should not be called general. Discorg is awesome.why go to steemitchat
Perfect example of why I got respect for you and I try so hard to promote you and minnow support!
will give @acidyo a message.
I hope you have a great fathers day ! may it be filled w/ good Karma , Positive vibes, and I true happiness!
Great post!
Steemit community will only grow bigger & stronger with positivity and unity.
Thanks for sharing and steem on :)
It looks like you are a great cook and could figure our how to make a tasty dish from nonconditional products.
Thank you for your sandwich advice
haha, nice post @aggroed. My dad says shit sandwich quite often. He got that from watching Full Metal Jacket so many times :)
This platform has so many great contributors who all have their individual take on what Steemit is and what it should become. Who's to say what's right and what's wrong. At least it's great to see a civilized discussion about it :)
I really like your take on this @aggroed.
With the global reach of this platform and the inherent misunderstanding between speakers of different languages, disagreements are going to happen. You show great humility in handling yours with the dignity you do. This community is truly fantastic and should be nurtured. See something you don't like? Step back from the screen, compose yourself and respond with utmost civility.
Another gem @aggroed
@aggroed, you are doing a great job here. Excellent post. I got to understand more of who you are because of your passion for minnows here.
I'm a huge fan campaign for the aggroed witness. You can see that in my most recent post.
That's awesome! You're awesome! Come join us in Discord.
I will. Please give me the link
More than a few shit sammies have passed my lips and I have to say, I prefer mine toasted with a cocktail on the side lmao. Much respect to you @aggroed!! My respects also to such a worthy opponent @liberosist for capturing the regard of our esteemed leader.
I am interested to see how all this plays out, In particular how voting early vs pig pile will work. I do love the experimental side of crypto so its good to be around for this change.
Yeah, after thinking about his post some more I think ironically the smaller reward spread will force even worse behavior to capture a smaller slice. We'll see. I'll make a post about that if I have time.. Father's day and all.
Well said. People sometimes forget it is all about friendly relationships and friendship. That's what counts. This, of course shouldn't block the free thought and point of view on things. With politeness hills can be moved. Awesome post, my friend. We all go to the same moon. :)
Make a post about that and ping me on it. I'll resteem it.
Will do.
Great analogy my friend. I've gotten and given shit sandwiches. It's perceived as constructive criticism instead of just telling someone they are wrong. It's easier on the eyes.
click here!This post received a 23% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @aggroed! For more information,
That's awesome, that's one of the best post I've read on here so far great effort @aggroed. Thanks for the wise words my friend. Cheers
I love the sandwich comparison. Presentation really is key, part of the platform ethics is to be civil and polite. World of a difference compared with youtube, for example. Cheers!
hahaha! You made me choke on my sandwich with that one. More shit sandwiches for everyone.
I've never actually even noticed how little toxic steemit community is. I've been disagreeing people but nobody has been truly upset.
I hope most people aren't behaving well only because they are afraid of being flagged, but they are nice because everybody else is nice too. Or even better, because they want to be nice no matter if others are being jerks or not.
This my friend is what keeps steem going people like you with the ability to write such amazing and constituent articles.
Great job seriously :)
Whenever I talk with my players, students or their parents... I use this same technique.
"Your footwork looked good on that throw, but you can't make that poor of a read again. Good zip on the ball though."
good work coach!
I find myself looking for your latest posts as soon as I get on Steemit each day. Upvoted, as always. Keep rockin!
That's high praise. Thanks boss!
Interesting topic...but so true. Thanks for sharing
You have some good points. This is the place for constructive debate. No room for childishness and struggles. I have a pretty open mind and many times in my life I have had to look at the facts and change my opinion on something.
I always tell myself. You don't know what you don't know.
What I know can fill a book. What I don't know could fill a library.
Good on you for being open to changing your opinion based on the facts available to you. Not enough people are willing to go back on their original beliefs or admit that they are wrong, we need more people like you here :)
Great post @aggroed
I'd agree that people here tend to more genuine and kind than on places like reddit (long time user there). I think the big difference is that people here are trying to provide value to other users, and there is a strong sense of community. I've been here for a couple days now and have made 1 post, i've received nothing but support from people on the discord and the steem chat.
Not enough can be said about the people who continue to provide value content and advice ( like you, on one of my posts earlier :p ). I love this community, and should one come my way, I will absolutely eat my shit sandwich with grace!
You made me laugh out loud. Have a follow. Nice job.
Thank you! Can't wait for more of your posts.
Thanks @aggroed for sharing the recipe of shit sandwich... ;)
Great post, manners go a long way in the digital world too.
Great post! I love the fact that the Steemit community is so positive and helpful towards each other. I used to be huge Facebook user, but am getting so tired of all the negativity I see in people's comments. There's so much hate in the world right now, so it's a breath of fresh air to come over here and see positive posts and people supporting each other.
I have noticed that people have much more civilized discussions here. It's refreshing to see people respect each other even if they can't agree on an issue. I hope this community can stay that way.
Constructive thought
Great recipe!!
I am sure I could use some more corrective criticism.
Not from me! You're awesome just the way you are!
Have a great day!
Now that's a sweet compliment, thanks so much @aggroed.
Even with your kind words, I know I can do better and I will continue to improve.
Well, when it's time I'll have a shit sandwich ready for you. Thanks for being here and thanks for your support!
Wow @aggroed you really always have some spot on posts man. I love reading your input here about steemit, you truly understand everything about the platform. The fact that you can disagree with somebody so strongly and yet appreciate their presence on steemit also really reflects on the community as a whole. This is one of the main reasons why I love steemit, the real people. There are already enough people trying to scam fake content, that is not the point here! Keep it up @aggroed. The shit sandwhich formula for constructive criticism is something that can be taken far beyond steemit, in real life as well! Thanks for sharing this approach!
You're welcome. Given freely with gratitude. Namaste-bro!
I think you have spoken some true words, So, people are nicer here on Steemit, but that's because they don't want to get f....kt
Everyone can see what you post or comments
That's cool
Now, good content bad content everyone should choose what to read upvote and so on
But there are a few issues with some bloggers
I have to admit that this is a very honest way of saying the truth. Indeed, people are different from other communities. Let's keep it that!
I've been part of an internet writing critique community for years. If people there would also learn to make a shit sandwich the way you described, quite a few writers would be better for it. Because intead of bowing up and being defensive, they might actually HEAR what the critic was trying to say. Excellent point, @aggroed. Well said.