Can Blockchain Technology Solve Social Media’s Privacy Crisis?

in #howdoo6 years ago (edited)


With recent backlash against the world’s largest companies, namely Facebook, privacy concerns and unethical use of user’s data has lead to many people questioning why we let these centralized entities control our data, our advertising, and our information.

The addition of an ever growing popularity in Blockchain technology and the principles that it is founded on serve as a solution to corruption and abuse that centralized systems eventually succumb to. Do we have to give up our privacy to connect with friends? Do we have to see endless ads to buy essential goods online? Do we have to settle for information censorship just because that is how it is? These questions are being brought up more and more each day, and the answer is shifting from “maybe” to a resounding no as open source decentralized entities become more available.

One possible solution is Howdoo, a decentralized social media platform that revolves around the user and giving them full control of their experience and data. Howdoo is one of many up and coming projects that uses tokens to reward user via the Blockchain, where everything is decentralized and regulated by the community, not billionaires. Because of this, privacy is secure and trust can build between users. Also, leaders in the community who contribute to this platform are given a voice based on democracy and meritocracy, not a companies agenda or interests. The Blockchain and the decentralized nature of it promotes peer connections and a thriving community, all without the consequences of an authoritarian enterprise.


For more information or to join the conversation, visit their website or their telegram channel

Another fantastic feature of Howdoo is that the user has complete control over their experience, and get rewarded for it. If users want ads for certain interests, they can. As a result, they get compensated. If users want no ads, then they get no ads. It’s that simple. This begs the question: So why is it not this simple now? Today, users get bombarded with ads and tons of useless information, and pay for it with their data. This does not have to be the case anymore. The Blockchain and it’s revolutionary technology will pave the way for more equal commerce and connecting socially, among them the Howdoo project. This world would look drastically different to the one we live and interact in today.

In Howdoo’s whitepaper, their vision is, “Above all else however, our ultimate objective is to create self-sustaining, self-administering, and self-evolving communities of friends, families, co-workers, and peers, who share the same values, the same interests, and the same commitments to supporting and compensating each other.” In other word, people are in control. They make the platform work, and in this way abuse is subdued. There are no powerful people calling the shots. It’s the community. And when this happens, it unleashes a huge potential for growth not only economically but socially. Howdoo has the right idea and the right principles. When platforms are built on trust and inspiration, not power and greed, people can feel that much more connected to their communities and to their passions.