how to transport in london ?

in #how5 years ago

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how london trasportation work :
It provides a passenger service by subway and bus (plus service for the disabled).
The subway works every few minutes between 24 and 5.30 (on Sundays a little before midnight). In addition to the extensive bus network, there are a number of bus services available all night in central London as well as a special service that connects the main railway stations.

Use your own maps and, in some ways, vary the rates for e-tickets and one-time ticket cards that can be received from the booth and automated tickets with your own money. you can set it according to the ticket purchase device.

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On most two-story buses in Central London, get a ticket from the ticket sales ticket. on the buses of one floor, "Reject", put the ticket on the ticket control device that is near and before boarding. In other buses you can buy tickets from the driver. If you visit London for one or two weeks, the London Transportation Company sells tickets that are valid for four or seven days and can be used whenever you like from London's London Information Bureau Metro stations and the London Tourist Information Center can be found at the railway station.

If you want to see the sights by bus, then it's best to find the route on the map. on the signs of the bus stations, the route number is written, if you do not know where to get off, or ask your station what ticket sales question.

The work plan and the route of the subway and bus lines are installed at the station, and their number is also mentioned. to make sure you choose the correct route, the metro station is marked with the desired route and line on the wall. on buses, as soon as the buses arrive, the destination is written on the bus head, which is listed in the destination Compare bus schedule.

Cheap rates in London: take this one-day ticket for maximum use. this ticket gives you the freedom to use the subway to the central of the line, and it's valid for one day. you can buy this ticket from any metro station in the Central Line metro area.
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London Suburban Buses Service
Bell street, reigate, survey. Get directions to the Green Line bus and bus routes and ..........

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