House Training Your Puppy - Best Tips!

in #house6 years ago


House training your puppy is all about a consistent, and caring environment. This will require time and a lot of patience. It's important to know what to expect in order to be successful. Most house training puppy professionals will take anywhere from 6 months to a year before the pup has good habits. Above all else, make sure you're ready for the commitment.

House Training Your Puppy
Before you begin you'll need to gather the necessary supplies. A few basics would be a pet crate, collar, leash, and of course a few toys. The crate should be large enough for the puppy to move around, and stand in. Remember to plan for the future. Depending on the breed, your puppy may grow quite a bit.

House training puppy experts recommend waiting until your pet is at least 12 weeks old before you begin house training puppies. The reason for this is to ensure your pet has enough control over it's bladder and the like. The time this takes can vary. Be sure to research your pets breed for specifics on timeline.

It's very important from the beginning to implement a strong sense of consistency. Make a schedule, and follow it everyday. The better this schedule is followed, the more successful you and you puppy will be. It's best to take your pet out earlier in the morning. As well as feeding shortly after. Take the pup out every 30-60 minutes prior to this. Additionally it's a good idea to let the puppy out after not only meals, but naps as well. When doing specific tasks, such as eating or toileting, use consistent language.

The words you use will become associated with the act that is taking place. This consistency is how your dog learns commands, and what you want it to do. If your dog messes inside a building, clean it up right away. This will reinforce that it is not okay, and help your dog understand better. In contrast, when the dog relieves itself outside, offer it much praise.

Set backs are bound to happen. It's very important to not punish the dog when it does something wrong. This will only make it fear you. Instead, clap your hands loudly. The sound will cause the dog to know that whatever it's doing isn't acceptable. If it's already too late, take the dog out so it can relieve itself. Afterwards give praise or a small treat. In the case you completely missed the event, don't get angry.

Remember it's just a pup, and won't understand why it's owner is angered. If the incident occurs again, allow your dog to have more time outside, or more frequent trips out. If all else fails, remember that consulting a house training puppy professional may be required in some cases.