in #hot6 years ago

These exercises can reveal hidden abilities and expand the boundaries of the capabilities of the brain.

Kinesiology is the science of developing mental abilities and achieving physical health through movement exercises. I will share my personal experience of using simple kinesiological exercises.

A lot of kinesiological exercises have been developed - I selected only those that are convenient to perform in a sitting position, including while working on a computer. And the fact that they really help, I do not have a drop of doubt, otherwise I would have abandoned them a long time ago, and I have been resorting to them every day for a long time, since they are simple and do not require time-consuming.

These exercises can be performed both for adults and children, they invigorate, tone up, relieve fatigue, heaviness in the head, help cope with drowsiness that is currently undesirable, sharpen attention and memory, and also significantly increase the ability to concentrate on the work being done.

Kinesiology is the science of developing mental abilities and achieving physical health through movement exercises. It includes a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge from naturopathy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, oriental medicine, homeopathy, etc.

With the help of kinesiology techniques, health is strengthened, basic mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech, hearing, imagination, perception) are optimized, mental performance increases, and psycho-emotional state improves.

Exercise "Hooks"

To relieve tension, calm the nervous system, focus and quickly restore psycho-emotional balance - you need to sit on a chair, cross your legs, put your left ankle on the right ankle.

Then cross your arms, putting the wrist of your right hand on the wrist of your left hand, and then join your fingers into the lock, so that the thumb of the right hand is on top of the thumb of the left hand.

Unscrew the hands in the lock in front of the chest "inside out" so that the linked fingers are directed upwards. Look straight, look up, the tip of the tongue pressed to the upper palate (you can inhale press the tip of the tongue against the hard palate, relaxing it on the exhale).

Sit in this position for 1-5 minutes before the appearance of a yawn or until the feeling of sufficiency.

This technique (it can also be performed standing or lying) only at first glance seems simple and uncomplicated. Kinesiologists say that with such a crossing of arms, legs, and fingers, complex processes take place, leading to a balanced work of the motor and sensory centers of each brain and the midbrain, which is located directly above the hard palate. At the same time, unification of emotions and thinking processes is achieved (strengthening of hemispheric integration), leading to the most effective work (learning) and response to what is happening.

Exercise "Mirror drawing"

Put a blank piece of paper on the table. Take in both hands on a pencil or marker. To begin to paint at the same time with both hands mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters, numbers. When performing this exercise, eyes and hands relax. When the activity of both hemispheres of the brain is synchronized, the efficiency of the whole brain will increase markedly.

By the way, in kinesiology there is such an interesting method, not only useful, but also fascinating. Most of us perform routine daily physical activities with our right hand (left-handed to left). But what if you experiment, trying to brush your teeth, brush your hair, pick up some objects and so on, with your other hand? Studies show that performing the usual action with an “uncomfortable” hand activates new brain areas and helps develop new contacts between brain cells. Such exercises are very popular with children.

Exercise "ear - nose"

Use your left hand to hold the tip of your nose, and your right hand to hold your left ear. At the same time, let go of your ear and nose, clap your hands, then change the position of your hands "exactly the opposite."

Exercise "The Bull"

Turn the raised foot inwards and swing it back and forth 8 times. Same other foot.

Exercise "Svyatosha"

This position is suitable for relaxation after work. Sitting (you can stand or lie down), keep your legs parallel, without crossing. Pair in pairs the tips of the fingers of both hands, as if clasping a small ball, and position the hands in front of the chest. The gaze is directed downwards, the tip of the tongue is clamped between the teeth. To be in this position for 1-2 minutes, until the onset of a yawn or until the feeling of adequacy.
Exercise calms, relieves neuromuscular tension, harmonizes mental processes. Kinesiologists claim that it improves the separation of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Exercise "Forehead and occipital correction"
When anxiety, insecurity, excitement (or even stress) arises, so-called fronto-occipital coverage helps. Put one hand on the forehead and the other on the back of the head. To focus on. After taking a few deep even breaths and breaths, calmly voice your problem. Speaking out loud, it’s enough just to think about it. Sit like that for a couple of minutes. If there is a yawn, it means that the body is already relieving tension.

When the hand touches the forehead, blood flow occurs, it begins to circulate better through the frontal lobes of the brain. In this part of the brain, an analysis, awareness and assessment of the problem take place, and the ways out of this situation are determined. On the back of the head there is a zone that perceives visually those images that are then stored in our memory. Application to this area of ​​the palm stimulates blood circulation. A person as if erases in this way problems, images, negative situations. Due to deep breathing, oxygen enters the bloodstream, air is ventilated, and the negatives evaporate from the body. Exercise gives the desired result.

Exercise "Energizer"

Put crossed hands on the table in front of you. Press chin to chest. Feel the stretching of the back muscles and relax the shoulder girdle. With a deep breath, throw your head back, bend your back and open the chest. Then as you exhale, relax your back again and lower your chin to your chest.

As a result of these actions, the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle relax, the level of oxygen in the blood rises, the vestibular apparatus is activated, the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system increases.

I mostly resort to this simple but effective exercise while working at the computer. If you do it for 5–10 minutes, then the feeling of fatigue diminishes, or even completely disappears, the head starts to “work” noticeably, the concentration of attention increases.

Brain Button Exercise

This is a mini-series of three exercises, as if including the "electrical system" of the body. As a result, the blood supply to the brain is activated and the work of both its hemispheres increases, the concentration of attention increases, the perception of sensory information improves.

Exercise relieves mental fatigue, helps to focus on memorizing new information, and even improves coordination of movements. In addition, they contribute to relaxation, relieve nervous tension (and very helpful, by the way, hyperactive, excitable people, both adults and children).

Each exercise to perform each hand for 20-30 seconds.

With the index and middle fingers of one hand, massage the points above the upper lip (middle of the nasolabial fold) and in the middle below the lower lip. The palm of the other hand at this time lies on the navel. At the same time, you need to translate the view in different directions: left-up and right-down, etc. Then change the position of the hands and repeat the exercise.
The index and middle fingers of one hand to put, slightly pressing, under the lower lip. Fingers of the other hand at the same time to massage the area of ​​the coccyx. Repeat the exercise, changing the position of the hands
The palm of one hand to put on the navel. Fingers of the other hand to massage the area of ​​the coccyx. After 20-30 seconds, the position of the hands to change.
Exercise "Elephant"

This is one of the most integrative exercises in the Brain Gymnastics by Paul Dennison. It activates and balances the entire integral system of the body “intellect — body”, improves concentration of attention.

So, ear tightly pressed to the shoulder. At the same time, extend one hand, like an elephant's trunk, and begin to draw a horizontal eight with it, starting from the center of the visual field and going up counterclockwise. The eyes follow the movement of the tips of the fingers. Then change hands. Exercise to perform slowly, 3-5 times with each hand.

I really like this exercise, and I do it quite often throughout the day. Especially intriguing is the statement of experts that “Elephant” allows you to reveal hidden abilities and expand the limits of the brain's capabilities.