Prospectors – Ethereum-Based Online Economic Strategy

in #hot7 years ago[1].jpg

MMORTES Prospectors is a multi-player online real time economic strategy that will use Ethereum-based tokens. It has started the preparations to the crowdfunding campaign. The campaign launch is planned in June, 1.
The game world will be based on a real economic model, typical for the second part of 19th – beginning of 20th cc. As the game website states, the developers consulted the leading experts for “implementation of real economic processes and credible financial relations”.
Every player will be able to feel himself in the shoes of a real miner, who arrived in the gold zone to try to become rich. Someone will manage to do that, but not all. As in a real life, there won’t be enough gold for everybody. Some players will be into luck right away, and some will have to develop the economy of this wild land. And you can’t guess what will be more exciting.
The key peculiarity of the game is the fact, that the play gold will have a real value, since this is one of the tokens, created on the basis of the Ethereum. It could be withdrawn outside the game. Or, to say it another way, the players will be able to monetize their time, spent in the game.
As the Prospectors developers say, the success of the decentralized social network Steemit has inspired them to create MMORTES. It pays its users for writing original articles, publishing photos, liking and commenting posts.
But what if someone likes playing computer games most of all? – We thought. Why not give them the possibility to earn? Our game will offer the opportunity to earn not only to the most active players, but everyone interested.

  • the project website quotes.
    How Will It Work?
    The game world will look like a map of particular size, divided into lots. These lots will contain seven initial resources in random order, among them gold is, of course, the most important. The gold will play the role of the single inner game currency, and someone can be lucky enough to find the gold mine at once. As in the real life, the luck will be no less important.
    Yet, those who weren’t lucky enough to find the gold right away, can earn it according to their skills and talents. Miners will need instruments, place to live, food, etc. This way, simple economic relations will be built step by step, becoming more complicated with the development of the game world.

All economic models of the game will be built on the work of the wage workers, every player will have a few of them. They can work on a player’s land or can be hired by other players. Workers will have specific characteristics, such as stamina, speed, and other.
All in all, Prospectors will have two types of tokens: the above mentioned play gold (token gold) and obligations (token obligation). Tokens are created on the basis of the Ethereum.
During the crowdfunding campaign tokens OBT will be distributed. Obligations are, in fact, the shares of the Prospectors company. Obligation owners will receive the part of the company’s income, depending on the share they possess.
Smart Contracts and Game Structure
The game structure will be based on the work and cooperation of the several smart contracts. They will manage financial flows in the game (i.e., gold movement), member registration, taxpaying, filling with gold the new parcels during the further game world widening.
Prospectors will be governed by the obligation owners by means of DAO – decentralized autonomous organization – by voting the most important decisions.
This is what the game website says:
Token owners will decide how to distribute the Gold withdrawal; which sum should be forwarded to the further project development and support; what price should be set for patents or technologies in the game; set a limit in the Fund of New Lots, etc.
More details about DAO work can be found in the corresponding website section.
Crowdfunding campaign will start on the 1st of June and will last for one month, or will be finished after the sum of 78500 ETH is gathered. The minimal sum planned to raise is 8000 ETH.
The price of OBT tokens will be 1 OBT = 0,001 ETH. It will stay unchangeable during the whole crowdfunding period to “prevent speculations on their price”, as developer mention. Obligation owners should be people, really interested in the further game development.
The general number of obligations is 100 million OBT tokens, around 80% of which will be sold during the crowdfunding campaign and pre-sale (excluding the fixed sum of tokens, reserved for bounty). 20% of tokens will be reserved for the developers’ team.

All the unsold OBT tokens will be burned.