3 body solution

in #hostinglast month

I got around to read all the 3 body problem books after watching the first season of it on Netflix. I'm kind of that person that can't wait to find out how it continues, especially not a show that's most likely going to take another 4 years for all 3 or 4 seasons to be released. I was originally going to write about this in the hive book club community but dunno, I'm not really great at reviews and either go into details about spoilers and what my thoughts are about them or don't talk enough about the main plot. I did read the first book as well though because I figured netflix often changes things around so it'd be difficult ti pick up from the 2nd book after just watching the series. To my lack of surprise, that was the case, the story mostly occurs in china and has very few characters outside of it, especially in the first book compared to the show having most of them in UK and one character now being 2 or 3 for some reason.

Instead of giving you a review of a tv show that was popular a few months ago and most of you have forgotten about already, I wanna talk about something that came to mind during an episode of the first season.

I'm sure this scene is stuck in most people's brains after watching the first season, but I'll try not to spoil for anyone reading this that hasn't watched it yet. The main thing I wanna discuss is the scenario and living arrangement by the people there.

Basically they live on a boat, they go and refuel every now and then but most of the time they live out in international waters where the laws aren't the same.

Alright, so what's up with that and how does it relate to hive?

Well, with governments and regulations seemingly coming down on currencies which I believe follow the path set up from Satoshi, I'd like to think about the worst case scenarios for decentralized currencies such as Hive. Decentralized has quite a lot of meanings to people these days, some would argue hive isn't because there's some people with a lot of stake and weight behind their votes but I don't think Hive has gotten a proper chance yet to show a well distributed aspect of it due to harsh markets. Eventually everyone will have their price and either sell or see others buy some Hive once we do get some more attention and potentially other users active today or later prefer to hold on to their earnings.


Either way, the main point of this post is, what if governments of countries started going after Hive. Let's assume for instance that Scandinavia was against this and made it illegal to host a hive witness on servers in the northern countries. ocd-witness would have to either relocate or be shut down and be voted off and another witness would take its place.

Let's now assume more countries would start doing the same and we'd see more and more witnesses drop off. Time to get worried, eh? Well, no not really. While it'd be more difficult to stay decentralized it would just limit to where we could run witnesses and with the amount of work the core team's been putting into Hive it is quite easy to run a lightweight witness nodes only requiring a handful of memory sticks.

Okay worst case scenario, all countries make it illegal. Well, now our only option is international waters I assume? I mean it's already kind of absurd that they would make it that illegal to begin with seeing as things here aren't that dangerous and we do have quite a nice community taking care of not rewarding such content and front-ends built on top of our chain removing content no one wants to see from sight. I.e. really, really illegal content that's disallowed everywhere for good reasons.

Okay what if international waters is also not enough? Well, I guess the next step would be to host witnesses on satellites.

Either way, while I don't think it'll ever get that far in terms of making it difficult to host witnesses to keep the chain going, I think it's safe to say that if it'd get there there would be technology to still make it possible to host in secret. Whether or not hive would be ran decentralized at that time or hoping the few people running these servers in secrecy won't hardfork the chain for the worse but are doing it for the love of freedom and survivability of this chain, eventually I believe we'd go back to being decentralized.

A lot of tech out there is being created with freedom in mind, and while the mainstream doesn't care about that much right now, I think over time people will come to see its true value in the long term.

Anyway, I'm not that tech-savvy so if I left out some important things here or didn't think things through properly, leave me a comment. It's kind of a random thought about something that may probably never occur anyway, hopefully.


Some of us have worked on projects involving nodes operating on ships in internal waters, with plans to eventually run them on satellites. So no worries - we're awesome.

And humble.

Yes, humble too.

Apparently our superpower is that nobody (on markets) knows it ;-)

oh wow haha, I feel like someone may have mentioned it in the long past now that you said it but when I wrote this I thought I was the first one to think of it :D

There’s good advantages to flying under the radar - a lot of people are not aware as they need to be about the centralization vs decentralization war that’s going on behind the scenes. The best thing we are doing is keeping on building and improving hive for the day when it goes from a little to a lot all at once. Kind of like when Splinterlands blew up the first time with tens of thousands of people.

Keep our head down and building the great foundation so that if a country does try to pull some coordinated BS like that, we are nimble and well built.

It's nice to know that Hive is very resilient against centralization attacks against its witnesses. I am curious about the other way around, where Hive becomes too popular and the governments and big companies try to take it over and buy tons of Hive like in BTC and ETH. I know a hard fork like before is an option, but is that our only defense against that?

Well it depends what their intentions are with the purchases, you may also think that some of the big stakeholders here may realize its bad intentions and not sell most of their stake to combat it. We do have better procedures now to prevent something of what happened before the hive fork, even though even then it was so unprecedented and unexpected to see 3 major exchanges involved, if that hadn't happened the community would've won. It is also less likely to happen again as they would get a lot more flack the 2nd time around and can't pretend to be tricked once more.

I guess that makes sense. From how we handled the fork, bad actors will really think twice to do something similar. Thanks.

Hello! Well, I knew the books before the Tencent series and then the horrible adaptation that Netflix made. I'm sticking with the Tencent series because they are adapting each of the books while keeping the original names of the characters. Best regards.

Well, I haven’t seen or even heard of the 3 Body Problem, but I’ll definitely check it out! As for why I think countries might go after Hive if it grows, it’s possible they might want to profit from it. If they can’t figure out how to do that, they might try to ban it instead. Because you know, government wants to control everything.

Sure but what would you ban/how would you ban it? It's cheap and easy to pop up a new simple interface to read and interact with the chain, nodes are easy to set up as well, so they'd have to constantly and consistently keep banning IP's/connections, a little bit like their fights against piracy, it's still alive and thriving.

I wouldn't be surprised if many governments tried to fight it like they do with piracy, wasting a lot of taxpayer money without achieving much.

I have not watched the 3 Body Problem yet, but will add it to the watch list. It will be interesting to see how the future unfolds for Hive and others.

It's definitely worth a watch but i'm glad I spent the time reading the books too so will still watch the new seasons once they're released.

Have had quite some time on my hands lately as most of my work with my project @holozing has been done from my side so now I just have to wait for others to catch up. :D

I read your post about it yesterday. It looks like it would be a great game. I can see it really attracting attention of those who are into those types of games.

I haven't watched the 3 body problem but the connection with hive is actually the attraction here, currently some countries have issues with cryptocurrency transactions and if they get to hear about hive there is every tendency that it might get worse.

One thing I really don't understand is why why, yes is obvious that whatever they can't control becomes a problem, but cryptocurrency enhances or improves the economy and financial system of a country.

Some great people are building floating houses for the deep ocean off the coast of Panama. I've been following progress for a couple of years now, and they're looking sweet.

It is an excellent metaphor that you express in your publication, friend, there are always regulations and other cases of prohibitions, but what is really important is that the witnesses will always be there and, as you say, other formulas will also be sought to continue interacting here in #Hive if that were to happen.

I watched the 3 body problem series and after I read the first book too and even if there were differences (it happened with the Foundation by Asimov too and Asimov is my favorite sci-fi author) I liked both of them, but I appreciated especially the book. ^_^ To be honest, while I was reading the book I imagined some creepy scenarios similar to the one you wrote about, but I cross my fingers for a better future. :P

I watched the 30 episode version of the Chinese show on YouTube but now I don't think I can now bring myself to watch the Netflix version!

Cool, didn't know that existed!

I saw the series and I was fascinated, I did a review in movies tv show but it doesn't do merit to the movie, I also thought about the time I have to wait to see the other seasons, but as time flies to me I stopped worrying, I wanted to read the books but I didn't get them.

I find it very funny that everything we see and live we take it to the world of hive, however your reflection is good, and makes me think that what you raise can happen in my country Venezuela, here they have an open mind for the adoption of cryptocurrencies but the government wants to centralize the decentralized,.incluso ya no podemos entrar en binance esta bloqueado a menos que usemos VPN.

What you describe perfectly I could imagine, in the worst scenario. Also there are many people who love hive, I still love it even though it doesn't love me anymore. 🤣😁. @acidyo 😉

I wouldn't say it's hive if a certain stakeholder stops supporting you, but good on you to get out there and engage more!

I live in Hive, more involved I can't, but thanks I appreciate the advice.

@acidyo 😆

Please, let them them not go after hive. Let the government not make any witness to be shut down. We should not imagine that. We like it in here. So, whatever we be doing to keep it going, let just do just that.

They hate what they can't control!

Yes, they hate the decentralized platform. But we are overcoming they selfishness through crypto

Well the government is by far one of our body problems. If not all. Each day new laws that benefit just them and not the masses

A very interesting story from the three books that you read, of course I really hope that for the future of hive will remain intact and strong.


Very nice picture

If the governments of the different countries will begin a persecution of #Hive, a way will be found so that the witnesses can use the servers of other countries that provide these facilities and allow the evolution to continue.


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First of all you have given a great review, because you express what you think and feel. The social system of the people you show is really interesting.Their life on a boat and various obstacles make this a Netflix favorite.
I am new to Hive community so I learned a lot from your opinion about it. It might pave my future journey in Hive community. But all your points are very reasonable.

Please forgive me if there is any mistake in my opinion. Thank you