
she looks a little like the red haired actress in true blood......

She's hot believe me :P marry her :D

it must be those teeth!!!

Great pic ... and vamp.

I'm in love with vampires, and this is definitely a beautiful one!

Amazing shot!

Where did you find her?

This seems like something that would be an everyday look for me :D.

Why she is not burning. Basic concept of vampire is that they burn during daylight.

nice to meet you Vampire LOL

upvoted and follow you can I join you guys with my steam power : )

Something she's too good for vampires, probably just starting to turn.

Vampira Joe's new Girlfriend :D :D :D :D :D Damn she is looking so hot <3

she is a sexy vampire, I want a date with her

Looking like an anime cosplayer to me! :P

Vampires really creep me out......

Yaaaaaaaa really my friend..... she is really Cute....



great photo..

i loved vampire diaries, the originals surely would want her as well :)

wow! vampira is very pretty.