
Okay, I'm removing the flag. Can you see that just copying the story with no reference to who had written it was going to cause trouble? There are people and bots who check for plagiarism. It's easy to find if a story is already on-line. You should credit your sister in law and maybe get her to be on Steemit too. It is a good place for writers if you have original work.

If you provide some proof it's yours then I will vote it up.

There is a lot of copied work on Steemit and so we have to keep checking. If someone had copied your work then you would be glad of what I had done.

I can give you full email id of Monica.mishra0607 and you can confirm from her via email . Email ask him that do you know Amit..

I've commented on her story. If she replies then that is proof for everyone and not just me. I know others are suspicious. I still think you should edit the post to say where it came from. I am trying to be helpful and make Steemit better.

I can see that it is impossible for him to have written this. Scammer and Plagiarizer.@steevc anyone can create a fake email of another person. I dont trust this guy.

Possibly, but also possibly just naive. If there's no response soon then I may flag again

Sorry I was busy and please check the reply of that comment which u had been posted at

By Monica.mishra0607

There you go. Not so hard to prove it. You should still include that link in the post itself. You can edit it. Give your co-author credit. This site is intended for original content.

Sorry I was busy and please check the reply of that comment which u had been posted at

By Monica.mishra0607 . Please confirm and also doing me one favour after that , please vote for this post also

I did vote on the post, but in general you should not ask for that. Let people make up their own minds about whether it deserves a reward.