Weekly July 23rd HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel Mercury retrograde, and a lunar eclipse, hold on tight, secrets revealed and life changes!

in #horoscopes6 years ago


Weekly July 23rd HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel
Mercury retrograde, and a lunar eclipse, hold on tight, secrets revealed and life changes!

An intuitive astrology session can reveal insights and answers.

Aries MARCH 21-APRIL 19
Week ahead: Friends show their true colors. Love: The energy of Mercury retrograde can put you on a collision course to communicate with someone fabulous, but don’t say anything rash. Career: People in your contact list can help with work. Money: This is a progressive time, rethink your goals and stay focused on them.

Taurus APRIL 20-MAY 20
Week ahead: Keep your schedule open; if family members need to converse, you want to be there for them. But be careful, with Mercury retrograde, people can be sensitive. Love: See a situation for what it really is and move forward from that point. Career: Stay focused on the highest priority and be flexible, too, as the lunar eclipse can turn everything upside down. Money: Stay confident, and act with certainty.

Gemini MAY 21-JUNE 20
Week ahead: Reassess where you are in life and where you are headed. Love: Stability in a relationship is important, more so than independence. Career: When you work as a team you can achieve a great deal more, but double check your data so you make sure you get the facts right. Money: Financial security is important, especially for family and peace of mind.

Cancer JUNE 21-JULY 22
Week ahead: Passion and fantasy are a few of the ingredients for life, but not the entire recipe. Love: You can move a relationship forward, but be open to compromise. Career: A sudden development can work in your favor. Money. Keep the lines of communication open. Believe you are worthy of attracting what you want.

Leo JULY 23-AUG. 22
Week ahead: Business or personal, be upfront and say it how it is. But as Mercury is retrograde, be ready to work through some opposition from others. Love: It’s reassuring to have someone in your life who loves, respects and adores you and the lunar eclipse can highlight who is on your side and who isn’t. Career: Stay the course, don’t get restless and go off on a tangent. Money: Avoid impulsive decisions or actions; news can come through next week. Your connections are important.

Virgo AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
Week ahead: If you are unsure of where you stand with a situation, keep it to yourself until the Mercury retrograde energy settles down and you gain clarity. Love: with Venus in your sign, Love can touch your heart, but True Love is about accepting someone for who they are, without wanting to change them. Career: Be careful not to get too caught up in the details, look st the big picture. Money: Nothing stays the same forever. Be patient, things are changing.

Libra SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
Week ahead: As Mercury goes retrograde, you can expect to think more seriously about life in general. You can consult with friends, but choose your confidants wisely. Love: A relationship can develop faster than you expect. Career: Every problem can present an opportunity – keep an open mind and think laterally. Money: Keep a close eye on your dollars. Connecting with the right people can have a huge impact.

Scorpio OCT. 23-NOV. 21
Week ahead: Focus only on priorities, which will include your family and home matters, and put all other issues aside. Love: A need to be in control can cause stress in your relationship – exercise a little give and take. Career: Mercury going retrograde affects your life; be prepared to think and act with clarity and on facts, not hear-say. Money: Think big, but also be realistic. Avoid rash decisions and see how things play out.

Sagittarius NOV. 22-DEC. 21
Week ahead: When the time is right, you can make a move, but trust your instincts ts to know when that is. Love: If you know what and whom you want in your life, finding them will be much easier. Career: Enjoy the present but keep your eye on the big picture. The people you meet now can play significant rolls in your work life. Money: Working with others can open your mind to different options. Get ready to socialize and some of you can expect to be travelling.

Capricorn DEC. 22-JAN. 19
Week ahead: You can use the resources of people who want to work with you to further your career for long term security. Love: An emotional shake-up can clear the energy for a better situation to take place. Career: Take charge but don’t be too controlling. Team work is the key to success. Money: Work toward being financially independent. Change can happen now that helps you get ahead financially.

Aquarius JAN. 20-FEB. 18
Week ahead: With the lunar eclipse in your sign and planets opposite your sign, Life is intense but exciting. Your attention is on life in general and relationships. Love: With Mercury retrograde in your love zone, anything can happen. Career: With the influence of Mars, your work life is hectic – it’s good to get organized. Money: See a situation for what it is.

Pisces FEB. 19-MARCH. 20
Week ahead: It’s full steam ahead; your hard work is about to pay off. Love: Get in touch with how you really feel before you have an in-depth discussion. Career: Take control, but be careful not to step on people’s toes. And as Mercury is retrograde, be care of what you say and how your say it. Money: When you love what you do, money is easier to attract. Cast aside self-doubts, and believe in yourself.