The stars speak ! Affiliate HOROSCOPE for Libra !

in #horoscope7 years ago

  Libra !

 24 September - 23 October
Air Element
Characteristic Cardinal, male, positive
Planet Venus
Beneficial partnerships Aries, Aquarius, Gemini
Unfavorable Partnerships Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn
Happy Numbers 6
Day Friday
Season Autumn
Color Blue, Light blue 


Libra - Cancer

In the first contacts you will be attracted to one another because of each of you individually intellectual potential. You both know how to properly use the power of speech to achieve your desires and ambitions not only personally but professionally. Initially, your interest will be dictated by the curiosity of the methods used by the person against you to capture you, and then your relationship will begin to deepen and become a physical attraction. Each of you needs to find enough internal strength to preserve your identity, as you both have remarkable mental abilities. It is imperative to often demonstrate your inner need for attention and tenderness. Emphasize not only the strong but also the weak features of your character, so you will get the support from the intimate mate.

Libra - Gemini

Ideal is the exact word with which we can characterize the relationship between these two representatives of the air element. Your similar interests, the flexible and mind-boggling mind, and the way you achieve success in your life are just a small part of the colorful palette with which I can define this union. Your happiness will be shared and full in the moment you decide to go through difficulties and joys hand-in-hand. Impossible things for both of you will not exist, as you will complement and stimulate each other, not only to work but also to develop in a constructive direction. It is possible to initially have some hesitations as well as disagreements about elemental household issues, but the truth is that after the little verbal skirmishes you will find each and every one of yourself the charm of being your favorite mate.

Libra - Sagittarius

The common goals, interests, and strong friendship will be the first touch that is accurate to putting a lasting beginning in love. When you are together, you will stimulate the positive and the optimistic towards each other. Each of them will do their best to keep you close. Daydays will turn into holidays, so your years will pass unceasingly into harmony and understanding. You can only encounter significant difficulties in practical matters in your everyday life, and this is where the shooter has to take the lead role, as you risk incurring unwanted headaches due to unrealistic sensitivity to household issues. However, I think you will find a solution to this problem and you will continue to enjoy your mutual happiness.

Libra - Aquarius

Passion and spiritual closeness is greatly enhanced in the relationship between the elements of the air element. Fluctuations and prudence disappear at the moment you decide to act together, whether personal or professional. There will be storms in this perfect relationship, but they will not be caused by differences in your characters, but rather will be caused by the watershed that will feel the constant feeling that it is the scale that prepares plans for their joint future without consulting To his mate. The urgency and patience, the qualities with which the scale is proud, will crush the resistances of water, and then it will realize that resentment has been in vain. You do not have to forget both that the need for personal space and your own interests also acts unifying and cohesive for you. Do not overlook the man's desires beside himself when he wants to stay alone for a while. Wait for the dark clouds of the sky to disappear, and you will notice that the sun has settled back into your everyday life.

Libra - Pisces

The attraction is instantaneous and dictated by the romantic attitude of these two representatives from the zodiac. It is difficult to define this link as simple and dull, it is marked by the dynamics of common goals and initiatives, especially in the professional sphere. The end result is unclear, but at the expense of a lot of challenges and unforeseen circumstances. Both will rely on the other to take the lead role and make the first step for each project. Happiness among you can be illusory if you do not look practical at the weekly questions. If you want to stay together, you need to define exact rules of conduct, commitment and responsibilities. Whisk must not show weakness when hardness is required, and it is imperative to seriously look at the needs and demands of your fish . Enjoy the positive moments fully, so that you can adequately respond to the challenges and storms when you arrive at your home. The magic word that will help you stay together for life is patience and trust, nevertheless.

Libra - Lion

The combination is exciting and unexpected. Attracting you will be subject to magnetism and charm. The impossible things make them a reality, but that is why you will have to initially fight with some interpersonal differences. The first step will have to be made by a wise and intelligent scale. Patience is crucial to achieving full success. Loveco handles the feelings of your half of a fire sign and you will get what you are looking for without the usual hardships and definite refusals. The lion in turn must overcome his pride and arrogance. Happiness will be a bit short after you make the most of your effort to bring happiness to your intimate mate. It's worth trying to reach the heights of full synchronization with you. Do not despair of failures, let them be your right and proper incentive. Do not be afraid to show your fears and feelings in front of your loved one.

Libra - Scorpio

Initially, you may experience some repulsion to one another, but the truth is that you can both be spiritually and intellectually useful. The vigor of the scale will stimulate the scorpion in some ways, learning to accept the fates of fate more calmly. It is not excluded that the scorpion is often jealous of its mate, because its freedom-loving temper and its many contacts will be a cause of uninterrupted employment. If you do not find a compromise option to cohabit together, it is possible that separation is a fact despite your mutual sympathy.

Libra - Capricorn

Wonderfully complementary in character and temperament. The partnership between the capricorn and the scales is marked by dynamism and reciprocity in every life sphere. The need for each other is both air and water, because when you together are able to overcome life's troubles. Most likely, the scale will bring joy and diversity to the boring daily routine of the Capricorn, and that is how it will accept the difficulty with ease. The gratitude of the capricorn will be expressed by providing calmness and a satisfying material life. It is not excluded from time to time to cool the impulsive nature of the scale by teaching it to have a more realistic view of the world around them. Robust support and mutual utility marks these wonderful relationships.

Libra - Taurus

The common goal in terms of professionalism, similar interests and understanding, as well as hobbies can stabilize this relationship over time. Difficulties and friction will only be the cause of collisions at the beginning of the alliance, and then you are likely to get used to the differences of your mate. It is necessary for the calm and balanced calf to learn from his beloved scale to relax from time to time in order to deliver small personal delights. The scale, on its part, will be able to learn the valuable lesson in life that they will not give up when sudden emotional storms and mood crashes occur to both of you. The desire to share the joys, pains and differences in temperament among themselves, and if you make the most of your efforts in keeping with the other's longings, you will inevitably reach the heights in every respect.

Libra - Virgo

Partnerships between air balloons and deer can have purely weekly difficulties. Initially, these obstacles will be expressed as a reluctance on the part of the organs to deal with, as well as questions about accuracy and any kind of household responsibilities. The decisive role in this connection must be entirely in the hands of the virgin, as with more perseverance and patience on your part you will be able to learn your beloved mate in a practical attitude to life. Do not forget that the above can become a reality if you put in a lot of love and dedication. Forget the irritation, and look more closely at the mistakes that constantly allow your half of the zodiac scales. Try to make contact with each other pleasurable and do not ignore the partner's wishes with you, as this can lead to a significant break in your relationship.

Libra - Aries

In this case, in order for everything to go, it will be more than necessary, the scale to take the initiative entirely in its own hands. You will want the fire to be a little more comprehending to your increased emotion and to control your impulsiveness. It is extremely important to respect the differences in your characters so that you can easily go through the sudden storms intact and keep the relationship with each other. It is necessary for the balance to achieve its desires through diplomacy, tact and patience, and the ram itself will have to not be so straightforward and frank in the face of her mate not to hurt her. Forget about the existence of the word "impossible," because only that way will you live truly exciting moments together.

Libra - Libra

It is quite difficult to determine the relationship between these two representatives of the zodiac because the same tastes, interests, and similar emotions can manifest in individual pairs in a radically different way. The social environment here is of great importance, because the common features can be depleted too quickly in a more serious relationship. On the one hand, it is imperative to learn to cope with day-to-day difficulties, and on the other hand to persevere in order to build your own home with common professional goals. This will surely stabilize your intimate relationship. You do not need to give up and show tolerant attitude and understanding to your partner. Slow steps can do miracles, do not forget it in times of crisis. Do not succumb to your desire to pursue pleasures individually, as this may have a negative effect on your union. Have fun together, building strong friendships and contacts. The key to successful existence lies in the word "together" - do not forget it!