Definitely an excellent view of Mount Hood and the Columbia River. The Portland international airport is an excellent place to be next to. Not only do you get to see the Jets go by but you also get to see the military F15ex fighters.
It is definitely warmed up past couple of days and that is really awesome.
My biggest news is I'm just hoping and waiting to start work!
So yeah I went out and I got a job being a tow truck driver once again. We will see what all happens here pretty soon.
Moves here to go do full-time work and hopefully I can afford to get little piece of land and the tiny home for me and puppy dog. That's the entire goal anyway.
So let's hope that I can save enough crypto and work really hard and get into a place!
In the meanwhile we have been having a lot of puppy dog time and running him really hard. He's a super good dog.
Well I'm going to switch out payment and start doing 50/50. Me and puppy dog are going to start putting that into savings and watching that 15% increase really start to help out. Definitely it is the time to invest. So we've got some big plans and we've got some good directions to go. Things are definitely rough however we are hoping that this new job is going to be able to get us into a different place for us to sleep.
Yep the goal is to get into a camper van hopefully!