
amigo #resteemia at your service

if surfing is a crypto, honusurf is the bitcoin, the alpha. nice work @honusurf

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

so amazing @honusurf .. i love his sport

good commentyes amazing @azissuloh

summer cool

Wow this is the first time I saw "Ho'okipa waves"! A brilliant work and thanks for sharing such great experiences with us!@honusurf,

Cheers~ is amazing...

Fantastic...feeling awesome bro...
I really like it and enjoy it...
I'm never seen this before...
Wel done...
Cheers~~~~~~~~ @honusurf wonderful exeperience in your life...

@honusurf - oh my goodness, i'm excited by watching that amazing video Sir. Lovely work. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Nick-thompson tag, i likeNice hokipa this video @honusurf, thank for sharing.

yes @amri nick-thompson nice tag

Nice video in post.

happy weekend @honusurf

Amazing video @honusurf, thank

always comment

Meubut laju

Thank for sharing my friend, cool video @honusurf, nick-thompson tag, is it your community name..

ho my friend it not cummunity, it is he name.

Knarly! I am on the Big Island. You should load your videos to d-tube! You'll mae more $ that way!!

nice vidio @honusurf

dont forget to resteem

great post like it... keep it up

On the beach, you can live in bliss.