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RE: Pro democracy landslide win in Hong Kong election - why are people still protesting?

in #hongkong5 years ago

the typical retarded arguments from your 13 in a dozen antisinoists. So they basically demand to be an independent country and if they don't get it they will make the lives of 99% normal HK citizens miserable by blocking every car road, beating up every old man or woman cleaning up the road blocks, blocking and burning subway and public transportation and public properties, attacking small business that do not support the #blackshirt hooligans.

#blackshirts thugs arguments have so far been that Chinese central government did not hold their end of the bargain. And this idiot just showed that CIA-backed HK blackshirts are the ones that want to change things, since he just admitted that Hongkong never had demoncracy under his inbred Windsor Brittish dictatorship, but want to be fully independent now from China with zero political accountability toward the rest of the nation. Cut the crap and say it like it is, #blackshirts are #separatists. Which is illegal just like it has been in Spain, in which case your Brit daddy and all other western nations and their lying MSM have been supporting Madrid and bashing Catalonian separatists with many rightwing propaganda media even calling Catalans racists for striving for a racially pure Catalonia. Funny how you expect every non-western nation to allow separatism.

I think Mr Malcom X. described very accurately what the neocon HK #blackshirts are: House negroes uncle toms.


I see the wumao have landed on Steemit

is that the sorts Hongkonglish #blackshirt terms you expect normal people to understand? ;)